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Weiner-Dog the Movie.. STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE

Donna P

New Member
Sep 4, 2016
Maggie and Oreo
Good Afternoon, I am not sure if any of you have heard or seen the movie Weiner-Dog. I made a horrible mistake of watching the movies last night. Not only was it terrible but the ending showed the poor baby being ran over by multiple vehicles.. I am trying to warn anyone that loves their pets to not watch this movie. I woke up many times during the night screaming afraid for my 15 year old doxie babies life.. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this movie.
I woke up many times during the night screaming ...
Donna, relax, it's a just movie. Maybe a terrible movie but I'm sure that no dog was hurt in the making of this movie.
See more Wiener-Dog info on IMDb.
Did you see this logo at the end of the movie?

Check these two websites and read about the treatment of animals in the movie business. (100% safety for humans and animals is not possible)
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I know that no animals were hurt, but really to have to show any animal being ran over multiple times.. I know it it just a movie.. I watch all types of movies, but this one just hit me wrong, and I want all dachshund lovers to boycott this movie. This movies should be pulled out of production. I could see where this could traumatize a child that had a dachshund as a pet. This movie is just a sign of a very very sick person. Pet are no longer animals to many families they are part of the family. My 2 15 year old dachshunds are my children... I thought this was going to be a good movie about a breed of dog I loved, not something that shows how people are cruel with animals and watch a poor baby be KILLED...
This movies should be pulled out of production.
That is not possible and unrealistic.
I could see where this could traumatize a child that had a dachshund as a pet.
No, always check what a movie is about before taking a child to see it, by the way, this is an "R rated" movie which means exactly what the pic below says.

This movie is just a sign of a very very sick person.
You know him? Writer and director is Ted Solondz, you may not like what he does but this is his job.
Pet are no longer animals to many families they are part of the family. My 2 15 year old dachshunds are my children...
Many people treat their pets as if they are family, I know what you mean and I respect that, but our dogs are animals and sometimes don't want to be treated as a child.
I thought this was going to be a good movie about a breed of dog I loved, not something that shows how people are cruel with animals and watch a poor baby be KILLED...
You obviously do not belong to the target group they are aiming for, maybe you were offset by the trailer.
This quote fom one of the reviews says it all: "The movie trailer made it look like it would be a heartfelt comedy but this movie was painfully dark".

Donna, this movie might cheer you up, "The ugly dachshund"
That is not possible and unrealistic.

No, always check what a movie is about before taking a child to see it, by the way, this is an "R rated" movie which means exactly what the pic below says.

You know him? Writer and director is Ted Solondz, you may not like what he does but this is his job.

Many people treat their pets as if they are family, I know what you mean and I respect that, but our dogs are animals and sometimes don't want to be treated as a child.

You obviously do not belong to the target group they are aiming for, maybe you were offset by the trailer.
This quote fom one of the reviews says it all: "The movie trailer made it look like it would be a heartfelt comedy but this movie was painfully dark".

Donna, this movie might cheer you up, "The ugly dachshund"

You are right dogs don't want to be treated as a child, a child wants things that only money can buy. A new computer, cell phone, the most fashionable clothes, and so forth, the only thing a dog wants is for their humans to love them a fraction of how they love us. A dog's love COMPLETELY unconditional. They don't care if you have do not money and can't buy the expensive dog food. They don't care if they don't have the best house to live in. They just want to please and be with their humans, their Alpha Dog. Dogs will not slam doors because we punished them, tell you that they hate you. Instead they put their tails between their legs and pin their ears back and hope you are not mad at them for long. They will coward and creep back up to their human wanting to be petted. When a dog's human leaves the house they do not if you will ever come back, they just know that they can't be with you. They stress just like a new baby does when mom leaves for the first time. Children will out grow their parents leaving them. Dog's never do.

"The Ugly Dachshund" is a great show. I have seen this show many times. I LOVE IT....

I don't know Ted Solondz and I for sure don't need someone with his kind of twisted sick mind in my life. Someone that thinks it is entertainment to have a scene in a movie in which a poor animal that only wants to please someone is ran over multiple times is way to dark and disturbed of a person to be in my life. I made the mistake of NOT reading the reviews for this show, which is my fault no doubt. I will never make the mistake of watching one of his movies every again. I will make sure to tell as many people as possible about how this movie is, that if they love their pets no matter what time of pet, this movie is awful.

Also "R" rating mean anyone "under 17 requires accompany parent or adult guardian." It does not say they can't see it. Lucky for me I don't have any 2 legged kids, but I wonder how many parents with Amazon Prime started to watch this show based on Amazon Prime description for the movie. "From director Todd Solondz (Welcome To The Dollhouse, Happiness), WIENER-DOG is a dark, starkly funny story of a single dog and the many different people she touches over her short lifetime. Man’s best friend starts out teaching a young boy some contorted life lessons before being taken in by a compassionate vet tech named Dawn Wiener. Dawn reunites with someone from her past and sets off on a road trip. After leaving Dawn, Wiener-Dog encounters a floundering film professor, as well as an embittered elderly woman and her needy granddaughter --all longing for something more. Solondz’s perversely dark comedy offers an appallingly honest look at the American experience, brought to life by its all-star cast."

"Man’s best friend starts out teaching a young boy" (Who's mother talks about dogs raping dogs, the dog gets sick and owners were going to put the dog to sleep. All the while this boy is a cancer survivor. Would make me start wonder if I was that boy if I became sick again would they let me die.)
"After leaving Dawn" (Dawn left the dog with the couple with Downs Syndrome this was best place for this dog. That couple loved the dog.)
"Wiener-Dog encounters a floundering film professor" (who straps a bomb to the dog)
"embittered elderly woman and her needy granddaughter" (in which Ted films the dog being ran over multiple time)
Then at the end to have the poor dog stuff and animated for profit. I can't believe that all these stars even associated them self with this movie. Such a shame I have lost respect for them as performers.
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Thanks for the warning Donna. I came across the movie while looking for something for Wife and I to watch. I watched the trailer, and already felt sad about a dachshund having to live with four different families. We decided to watch something else.
It struck me as odd that they mentioned, the four families in his "short life." I think we will stay away from this one.

Interesting that you mentioned The Ugly Dachshund. We bought the movie on CD a few years ago, and I found it to be not as good as I remembered when I was a kid. Then my young granddaughters visited, and it turned out to be one of their favorite movies.

I would not have watched this but then it was probably not shown on television here and I do not watch any television - I am not even sure why I have one. A television, I mean. But I remember reading a book many years ago where someone's little dog got out onto a main road - and I never finished that book.

My mini devil is on a 12 metre tether and cannot reach the sidewalk let alone the road, but someone down the road blithely mentioned that her dog, who was never tethered, "oh, he just got hit by a car".

Strange things the movies that I loved and now have on DVDs - I have never watch. I think I bought the DVDs so that I had those movies in case I wanted to watch them. But then that was before I discovered YouTube and could find the - I cannot think of the word - specific part that had hit me in the guts when I first saw that movie.

Final scene of the original Railway children which I cannot find now - "Daddy, my daddy". Just the music hit me in the guts.

Final scene of The Inn of The Sixth Happness, when the children from the North finally came over the mountains to safety.

I am probably extremely old-fashioned in my likes, but what I like, I like. And I do so wish I had not seen that last clip again as my eyes are leaking.