We have an 18 month dachshund that up until 3 weeks ago had been doing great with sleeping through the night. Dooley sleeps in the bed with us and had been perfectly happy sleeping until between 6:30-7:00am. About three weeks ago that starting becoming earlier and earlier. He started waking up at 6:15, then 6:00, then 5:45 and this morning it was 3:45am. His during the day schedule has not changed. He walked 2 times a day. Eats 2 times a day, etc.
He doesn't go to the door to ring the bell to go out when he wakes up, but I do take him in case that is the culprit. Most time he takes advantage of the opportunities and tinkles. When he comes back in he has no interest in going back to bed. I have gotten to where I feed him at 5am because he will settle down if he eats.
Any thoughts or suggestions. I need a full night's sleep. I love him dearly but this is driving me batty.
He doesn't go to the door to ring the bell to go out when he wakes up, but I do take him in case that is the culprit. Most time he takes advantage of the opportunities and tinkles. When he comes back in he has no interest in going back to bed. I have gotten to where I feed him at 5am because he will settle down if he eats.
Any thoughts or suggestions. I need a full night's sleep. I love him dearly but this is driving me batty.