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sick puupy


New Member
Jan 30, 2012

Yesterday I brought home a 7 week old Mini Dachshund from a women who just wanted these puppies to have a good home. It was one of my clients friends. After having him home for 10 min. I realized he couldn't walk, he was wobbly and couldn't stay up. I took him to the vet this morning and they are sort of puzzled. They said it's neurological, but they don't know what it is. Does anyone have any ideas? He's at the hospital over night on antibiotics, iv fluids and something to help his liver just in case. The vet said if he's not better by the morning we'll have to put him down. I'm so upset! Other than not being able to walk, his tale is wagging and he's cuddly and wants to play. I wonder if anyone has any ideas, and can you keep and care for a puppy with neurological problems. I don't want to put him down Any input would be appreciated.

Yesterday I brought home a 7 week old Mini Dachshund from a women who just wanted these puppies to have a good home. It was one of my clients friends. After having him home for 10 min. I realized he couldn't walk, he was wobbly and couldn't stay up. I took him to the vet this morning and they are sort of puzzled. They said it's neurological, but they don't know what it is. Does anyone have any ideas? He's at the hospital over night on antibiotics, iv fluids and something to help his liver just in case. The vet said if he's not better by the morning we'll have to put him down. I'm so upset! Other than not being able to walk, his tale is wagging and he's cuddly and wants to play. I wonder if anyone has any ideas, and can you keep and care for a puppy with neurological problems. I don't want to put him down Any input would be appreciated.

I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy. I don't have any ideas... but just wanted you to know that he's in my prayers.
I'm so sorry! :( I hope your puppy gets better.
sick puppy

Thank you. If it it something that the puppy can live a good life with, we plan on doing all we can for him. I believe that Jax was put into our lives because we will do everything we can to give him a great life. And we do plan on a second opinion!
Sick Puppy

Just an update on Jax....he's still not walking well, but he's a VERY happy puppy and learning to adapt! The woman who gave him away, dewormed him at home and he recieved a dose that may have been too high causing some nuerological damage:( He may recover or may not, but he's playful and happy:) We may be looking into getting him a doggie wheelchair, but the vet says to wait a bit to see if he gets better. Does anyone have suggetions on good wheelchairs for puppies? Thank you to those who commented and gave their thoughts and prayers!
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Glad to hear the little guys getting better! Definitely in my prayers! :)
Could it be parvo? I know that parvo attacks the nervous system and has some of the same symptoms as what you are explaining. It is curable if you get to it soon enough. Try bringing this up to the vet.


Yesterday I brought home a 7 week old Mini Dachshund from a women who just wanted these puppies to have a good home. It was one of my clients friends. After having him home for 10 min. I realized he couldn't walk, he was wobbly and couldn't stay up. I took him to the vet this morning and they are sort of puzzled. They said it's neurological, but they don't know what it is. Does anyone have any ideas? He's at the hospital over night on antibiotics, iv fluids and something to help his liver just in case. The vet said if he's not better by the morning we'll have to put him down. I'm so upset! Other than not being able to walk, his tale is wagging and he's cuddly and wants to play. I wonder if anyone has any ideas, and can you keep and care for a puppy with neurological problems. I don't want to put him down Any input would be appreciated.
Cassidys_Momma "Could it be parvo? I know that parvo attacks the nervous system and has some of the same symptoms as what you are explaining. It is curable if you get to it soon enough. Try bringing this up to the vet."

Parvo is a gastrointestinal disease. The first symptoms of parvo are vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. It can sometimes be mistaken for something else, but the one thing you will never forget about parvo is the smell.

We just got through a parvo outbreak at work. It is not easy to experience and even harder to convince yourself that you did everything you possibly could to help a puppy fight for it's life against this disease and lose. IMHO, this is the one disease that makes all the vet appointments for puppy vaccines worthwhile.
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