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New Member
May 28, 2012
Harry, Sunshine, Bella
Hello to all :) I've just joined the forum and look forward to reading and posting, making new friends and enjoying all the dachie stuff.
I'm a retiring breeder of mini longs. I've enjoyed it, but am ready to travel and visit our grandchildren so we're slimming down to 3 pets that we can spoil and travel with. If your interested in viewing our website before I close it down here is the link: Dachshunds, AKC Miniature Longhair ~ called Aiello's Longhaired Dachshunds.
I look forward to enjoying the forum!
Welcome Marcia!

I'm sad to see your website close down. Some of my research material came from there, but I do understand that it's time to move on and enjoy your 2 legged family :)

Happy travels and once again, welcome to the board!!
Welcome! You have an awesome website, and your dogs are gorgeous!
Hello from Finland and welcome! :)