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Hello, From Ohio!

Mar 4, 2012
Killian & The Villa
Hello, I'm Michelle. I have a dachshund sanctuary called The Doxiefollies Villa. Many are rescued/surrendered adult breeders from puppymills/backyard-breeders and seniors dumped at kill shelters. Due to social and housetraining issues, most are permanent family members. We also have an Afghan Hound and a Giant Schnauzer. I love photography, so I combined that with my love for dachshunds and created at dachshund-themed greeting card line at Artfire. All in efforts to support all the lil' lowriders expenses. I taught Pre-K and Preschool for 12 years, so I love kids! I have one son named Drew and he is 24 years old. I love all animals in general, we spend alot of time at the nature trail behind our house observing the deer, squirrels, birds & racoons. Look forward to meeting everyone.:)
Hello from Finland and welcome!
Hello from sweden! love your work for the dachses, its so sad to hear of all
doxies thats been treated bad. in sweden
we dont have puppy mills.
Welcome! Thank you for doing what you are for our shorties! I have 2 deaf/sight impaired little Double Dapples, and see that there is a huge need for these guys to have sanctuary. I do my part, but I can only have so many dogs :(