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doxie thinks he's a husky while on leash.


New Member
Nov 27, 2011
Our mini dachshund has got it in his head that he thinks he is a husky when he is on a walk. He pulls like a husky. I am wondering what I should do the correct this. I am wanting to work obedience with him. Should I get him another type of collar or???


regular collars and harnesses will encourage pulling which is hard on the throat and back which is especially worrying for dachshunds. You may want to consider a Easy Walk harness, when the dog pulls the body is turned sideways from th front which should re-condition the pulling behavior. You also should train your dog not to pull as it is dangerous for the back.

Easy Walk Harness Product Description - Premier Pet
Kikopup has wonderful methods for leash training dogs.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFgtqgiAKoQ]How to train your dog not to pull- Loose Leash Walking - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueE1S1k74Ao]No Pulling!: Clicker Dog Training - YouTube[/ame]
I've never used any treats with leash training. I just did what the lady did on the first video; when the dog pulls, I stop and wait for him to relax or look at me and then continue (with a loose leash). If he doesn't get it and continues pulling, I turn around and walk the other way few steps. This takes time and repeating repeating repeating!! But they get it eventually and no special collars or anything needed. :)
Also, even though the dog walks nicely I never give him a lot of leash. I want him to walk near me, so that he doesn't make the choices of anything himself; we are going where I as the leader want us to go. This is how you make sure they don't start barking at other dogs etc.
Our mini dachshund has got it in his head that he thinks he is a husky when he is on a walk. He pulls like a husky. I am wondering what I should do the correct this. I am wanting to work obedience with him. Should I get him another type of collar or???



We learnd on our puppycourse that get him a harness that wont injur his neck and when he pulls you just stop and wait, dont pull the leach. When the dog takes one step back, so the leach loose, you keep walking. The dog must loosen the leach, if you pull him back, the dog wont learn the point of it all - not to pull. This is no obedience training, just let the dog know that he wont get a head if the leasch is tense. Every time the dog walk next to you or with the leach loose, prais him!

This takes time with a dach, they are breed to be concistent, so dont give up. It took us two weeks, then he got it! Now he never pulls, and if he do, we remind him that he doesnt get to go forward if he pulls. Dont let the dog sniff on anything when he pulls, this will be self rewarding and the dog will get what he wants even if you are standing still.

Good luck!:)