Need Help Tumor?


New Member
So my 14 year old dachshund has had this place come up on her tummy and I’m beyond terrified because I haven’t a clue what it is nor do I have vet money at the moment. Can anyone identify this please? PLEASE HELP US….
Chris IMG_3513.jpeg


Staff member
It looks like an infection you absolutely have to go to the vet. She may need antibiotics some vets. Do financing find one if yours doesn’t.
Sorry you guys are going through this. It looks really scary. My pup right now is suffering from bladder cancer, so I get the stress it’s horrible, but go get her checked out hundred percent that doesn’t look like it’s gonna get better by itself


New Member
It looks like an infection you absolutely have to go to the vet. She may need antibiotics some vets. Do financing find one if yours doesn’t.
Sorry you guys are going through this. It looks really scary. My pup right now is suffering from bladder cancer, so I get the stress it’s horrible, but go get her checked out hundred percent that doesn’t look like it’s gonna get better by itself
I’ve already got her on 250mg of metradanzole (strong antibiotic), and Im gunna take her to the vet tomorrow. Please pray for us, I don’t think I’d make it without her .