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Thinning of Hair around ears..?


New Member
Nov 22, 2012
Maggie.augie nikki Ash
I have a mini DH and my daughters worried about the thinning of the hair around augie's ears..i told her that he's problay loseing it because he a puppy and their going threw alot of changing while growing...anybody have any input on this? he just went to the Vet a day ago and has a clean bill of health..please respond..
thankyou Rusty


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In some cases I have heard of thinning hear around the ears. It can be a seasonal type of thing such as shedding and new hair coming in. It can also be from them scratching their ears- which if you see that then check his ears and see if they need to be cleaned. My doxie doesn't have the issues but my sister's doxie does.
Ok thankyou..his ears were alittle dirty and i cleaned them....thankyou again

Well thankyou very much...he is a doll baby..i think he weighs 3 lbs now..mercy he bites my ear lubes ..i hope the teeth get dull sometime soon...:D
Those little needle teeth will be hanging around for a little longer yet. He'll be at least 16 wks before you notice his incisors falling out and being replaced by his adult teeth. He'll be almost 6 months old before his adult canines come in. All of his adult teeth should be in by seven months old. Watch though with his baby canine teeth - dachshunds have a bad habit of retaining those teeth and they'll need to be removed when they go in for spay/neuter because they can cause problems in the future if left in.

Now for the thinning hair - he could be starting to blow his puppy coat, meaning that his adult hair is coming in...but he's a bit early for that. Hair is thin to begin with on the ears - especially in smooths. You could try adding a little fish oil or getting a puppy food that contains salmon oil in it. It should help.
My Josie also has thinning hair on her ears. I asked my vet about this at her check up and he says that this is normal for puppies from this breed. He said her hair will start to fill in as she gets older. So, it's normal! Don't worry!