The Face and 7 mo. old pics


New Member
Yosuke at 7 months old. Sorry for the terrible quality of pics. I used my cell phone (which isn't very good) to take these in my apartment at night. We were playing with his current favorite toy - a braided rope. :D Excuse my bragging... I just had to share!!

Some how I managed to get a pic of "The Face". LOL

This is his other typical face after giving me "The Face". A look of utter confusion and "what?! I didn't do anything."

I love this one. Absolutely adorable!! He has a very expressive face. :D

You can see his "watery eyes" are still around. I wonder if he will grow out of it still?


New Member
So adorable....I love the look him as if he did nothing. Wish I could give you an answer on the watery eyes, never dealt with that before! Sorry! Keep on braggin!


New Member
Hahah, the innocent face. Man has Watson mastered that one!

As for watery eyes, is it possibly allergies? Watson had an issue with that once (I say once because it was last fall and he's only 1.5 years old so it might happen again this year, we'll see.) His got super watery and I had to wipe his face at least once a day, but it stopped on its own.


New Member
Thanks guys! He likes giving me the innocent face whenever he wants something he knows he isn't allowed to have... ;)

The vet said his eyes are just runny - no allergies thankfully. :) They get worse when he runs like crazy. She said his eyes are not big enough for his eyelids yet so they fold in. He's supposed to outgrow it. It has gotten better since we've had him so I'm hoping it goes away completely.