Teaching her to play?


New Member
My dachshund mix Betsy, doesn't really play. She will chew on a bone (such as a nylabone) or a kong and snuggle with her unstuffed-stuffed animals but that is about it.

What kind of games do your dachshunds enjoy? I would love for her to play more but all of the games that my other dog enjoys she turns her nose up at.

Thanks in advanced for your suggestions. :)


New Member
Hi and Welcome!
Why am I imagining that Betsy is a long hair?? lol (Mine are smooths and they chase any size ball, up to beach balls.)

Would she enjoy a treat ball? Put some of her breakfast kibble in it and let her roll it around, add a few more kibble. Or put a kibble under a container like for margarine or cottage cheese and let her figure out how to get the kibble. She'd use both her nose and mind.

Mine will hunt for the ball all over the house so it's a great indoor game that does not depend on nice weather.

Hope you can post some pics of your gang soon!


New Member
Augie runs up the ramp with a ball and drops the ball down the ramp and chases it, he does it at least 5 or 6 times, they also play with keys made of nylabone, water bottle toys and balls that you fill with kibble.


Hi, how old is Betsy?

Have you had her from a puppy? some dogs play more than others and a lot will depend on her age and fitness level. Does she enjoy walks?

Food is usually the key, most dogs love hunting for tit bits or chasing after a ball or kong with food in.

Do you have any photos of her, it would be great to see one?


New Member
Betsy will be six in June. She is a rescue but we adopted her at around 9 weeks old. She likes walks and does chew on kongs and nylabones.

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Active Member
Sometimes I will sit cross legged on the floor with one of Libby's stuffed animals with a squeaker in it. I will put the toy behind my back and squeak. When she runs behind me , I quickly move it to the front. Then, I transfer the toy from hand to hand and have Libby running circles around me. I always lose interest in this game way before she does, but it gives her good exercise in the house when it is rainy or snowy and she can't go out doors to play. Often when I stop playing, she will take the toy and have what we call a case of the zoomies, running at top speed, under the kitchen table, through the hall, into the family room, under the family room coffee table and back to the kitchen where she repeats her path. She can keep this up for 5 to 10 minutes. You could try the sitting on the floor game and see if this peaks your dog's interest.


New Member
I went out and bought a variety of toys to try with Betsy. I have found a few that she likes. She will chase them if I toss them gently and will bring them back to be thrown again until she gets tired of the game.

Thanks for all of the suggestions!