Suddenly can't use rear legs


New Member

Took my Rocco for a normal walk yesterday morning and not long after getting home I noticed he was sitting funny. Within 20 minutes he was not able to stand or walk. I took him to the vet and he does have some feeling in his hind quarters and tail. He just can't find his footing and support himself. It's been almost 24 hours and it's killing me. My vet said that with lots of crate rest there's a good chance that he'll regain leg movement. He's on Rimadyl now. They also did a laser treatment on him. More laser treatments are going to cost a lot more money.

Any advice on any of this? He's eating and drinking fine. I can't get him to go to the bathroom.

Rocco is 9 yrs old.



New Member
I'm so sorry he's dealing with this.
Please go to the site Dodgerslist: canine back problems home page, a site completely devoted to back issues in Dachshunds. You will get all the information you need and direct support from those with experience.
The most important thing to aid in his recovery is 100% strict crate rest. The Rimadyl is an anti inflammatory, which will reduce the swelling and pressure on his spinal cord. If he is showing any signs of pain he needs more pain medication in addition to the Rimadyl.
It's important that he does go to the bathroom, otherwise infections can occur. Let the vet know if he still hasn't gone and they can show you how to express his bladder.
I know how stressful this is, since we went through it last fall with my Lupi. But she walks normally now and Rocco likely will too. Dodgerslist was what helped me get through it.
All the best for a speedy recovery for Rocco:)


New Member
Thank you!

So the symptoms I described sounded similar to Lupi? How long before she started showing signs of improvement? He does wag his tail and he can move his legs slightly. I finally got him to urinate using a sling. He hasn't had a bowel movement yet, but since he's eating normal, it can't be far off.

Thanks for the link to Dodgerslist. I've been chatting with Paula on there.



New Member
Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear about Rocco. We went through this with Georgia in Feb 2013. She could not stand up on her hind legs and maintained bladder and bowel control. She started showing a tiny bit of strength back at about 5 weeks. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see the improvement or not but by 8 weeks she was walking again.

Be sure to cut back his food a bit since he's on crate rest. You don't want him to be putting on the extra pounds. Buy some tin pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie filling that has other ingredients) and give him a tsp of pumpkin with each meal. What that does is gives him the extra fiber so his bowels move more easily, which is kinder on his injury.

Many people have gone through this and have seen a full recovery. Dodgerslist is a great resource. Best wishes as you get through this difficult time.


New Member
That's great you got Rocco to pee!
Recovery time can really vary from dog to dog. With Lupi, we got her swelling down right away and she could walk again in just a couple of days. But it took weeks, maybe months for her gait to become normal again. And the biggest thing was keeping her crated even when she seemed to feel better.
It will feel like it's taking forever, but the time needed to heal is so worth it. The odds are Rocco will walk again. But I completely understand how scary it is when they can't get up. I cried and cried and my Mom said a tearful goodbye to Lupi-we honestly thought we might lose her. Now she's her old self again!


New Member
Yea, when I took him to the vet when it first happened on Friday, I honestly thought there was a chance he wasn't coming back with me.

You also brought up something that I had been thinking already... when he does start walking again, i need to remain strict about the crate rest even when he seems to be doing better. I'm hoping that challenge happens! Yea, it's tough to see him like this right now. But he's very alert. He even growled at a noise last night. He did finally poop this morning, but going on 24 hours since last pee. I'd feel so much better if it would just improve enough to where he could put weight on his legs so he wouldn't need the sling. He tries but still just can't get the footing.