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purebred Dachshund in shelter in Pasadena, CA - last day is 3/11


New Member
Mar 10, 2011
four dogs two cats
The Pasadena, CA shelter is asking for help finding Sugar a rescue or foster! Sugar is ID#A284520, brown purebred neutered male Dachshund, about 11 years old. Sugar was surrendered by his owner and urgently needs a rescue or foster home. His owner says that SUGAR IS A VERY LOVABLE DOG, LISTENS, GOOD WITH KIDS, LOVES TO BE WALKED. The shelter vet diagnosed a heart murmur and so he is available for rescue only. They need a commitment for him by Friday 3/11/2011. If you can rescue or foster him, please call the shelter at 626-792-7151 x116 for Lorna, x121 for Kevin, x117 for Ute or x128 for Stephanie. They can also be reached by email at [email protected]. Thank you!
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