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Home made dog food


Dec 8, 2011
Frankie, Bullwinckle, and Suzie
Does any one have any recipes for home made food? It seems really basic and simple. I got one that seems to be very wrong for a doggie diet. It called for pasta and cheese. A few other things but these stood out and seemed iffy. I'm open to all suggestions but prefer grain free
I make food for my four Doxies. I started because my girl Nola has severe corn and soy allergies, and because all the foods cost an arm and a leg. Here's my recipe; you could omit the oats if you want, but I find it keeps my dogs' teeth cleaner.
Meat, usually baked or boiled chicken or lean ground beef
Pineapple (my male Dox's a poop eater:eek:)
Oats or rice
Some kind of fruit, usually apples, strawberries or blueberries.
Green pepper
Ground eggshells
Brewers Yeast
They all do incredible on it! I can't say enough good things about homemade food:D
You can check out my blog (BogSpot.com) for more recipes and photos, and here's a page of all the ingredients I usehttp://dachshundnola.blogspot.com/p/where-ive-been-in-blogville.html
Now that recipe makes a lot more sence. I gotta ask though. Why ground egg shells?
i would love to start making both my dogs homemade food but would it be ok for a 4 month old mini ? i dont want him to miss out on the puppy stuff he needs to grow. thanks :confused:
The eggshells are for calcium. I have 9 chickens so the eggs are organic; they also each get about 3 raw eggs a week. They also get yogurt 4 times a week.

Out of my four Doxies, one is a 4 month old puppy (I also have her parents). I've ben feeding her homemade food since she was weaned, and she does so great on it! She has so much energy and is so healthy on it; I've never had such a great looking /acting puppy.
If anyone has anymore questions, I'll do my best to answer them!:)
There's a book called "The Natural Dog" I cant remember the author, but it has a ton of different recipes in it.

The thing to remember when making food, is variety. the more the variety, the better. they'll get all the proper nutrition and vitamins they need and wont be missing anything.
Try an all raw diet! Dogfoodchat.com is a good place to start. They have a wonderful forum.
Does any one have any recipes for home made food? It seems really basic and simple. I got one that seems to be very wrong for a doggie diet. It called for pasta and cheese. A few other things but these stood out and seemed iffy. I'm open to all suggestions but prefer grain free

You can try local food brands like pedigree and others, this would help them out or you can go for meat and rice, they will love it. Like humans dogs also like to have different meal every day, so I want to let you know that don't give them same meal every day.
Pedigree is H O R R I B L E. So is Purina, Iams...and many other brands you can buy at grocery stores. I'd stay away. Look at foods at Tractor Supply.
Pedigree is H O R R I B L E. So is Purina, Iams...and many other brands you can buy at grocery stores. I'd stay away. Look at foods at Tractor Supply.
There is actually only one food from a grocery store i would give any animal. The refriderated stuff. But thats a last resort too. Has anyone tried The Honest Kitchen?
There is actually only one food from a grocery store i would give any animal. The refriderated stuff. But thats a last resort too. Has anyone tried The Honest Kitchen?

Yes, it's part of my dog's rotation diets. It smells AWESOME!!! LOL
My dogs love their treat line;)
Yes, it's part of my dog's rotation diets. It smells AWESOME!!! LOL
I've started Frankie on The Honest Kitchen: Preference. Its a base food. All vegetarian but you add either cooked or raw meat to it. He goes crazy for it. First food ever that he's hopping up and down for and whimpering like he's been starved. He even seems more puppy like. He's not old but he just seems happier. And so am I since its far easier than making the entire meal. The directions say to adjust the amount according to the dogs specific needs. Which I had to do since he suddenly got fat. But not even 2 weeks later he's back to his slender self. I also feed him a little less than recommended but I add a half and half mixture of Blue Buffalo and Holistic Select dry foods. Anyone wanting to do a home made raw food should give it a try.
There is actually only one food from a grocery store i would give any animal. The refriderated stuff. But thats a last resort too. Has anyone tried The Honest Kitchen?

Yeah I have tried and it is one of my dogs favorite meal. I add cooked raw meat in it and it becomes more delicious, my dogs love it. I will also recommend blue buffalo, it is also good and help dogs to grow in a smarter way.