Help! New and need advice quickly


New Member
I just joined the forum. I've been on the Dane forum for a year and thought I would find the Doxie forum and ask for help. Let me apologize now for the wordiness.

My name is Stephanie and my Doxie is Nathan. He is a 7 year old chocolate and tan. He's not feeling well. He has been 'off' for the past couple days.

Just today I noticed he was sitting funny. He normally doesn't really 'sit' very often. He goes to work with my husband every day. He's a horticulturist and runs a 200 acre farm. Nathan LOVES his lunchtime walks. They wander through the neighboring woods hot on the trails of great smells. He hasn't wanted to go on his walk the past couple days. (it's farming - so sadly it's 7 days a week) which isn't like him at all. And my husband said he seemed kind of sad/depressed. Not his usual self at all.

I noticed when he was sitting down his prostate area seemed to look larger than normal. I pushed on his belly/prostate area and he cried some. It's obviously hurting him. Excuse my ignorance...but do dogs have prostates? You know the general vicinity I'm referring to...

I just fed him - he ate like a champ. I saw him have a bowel movement so that's all ok. I haven't seen him urinate - doesn't mean he isn't but with 3 dogs, 3 cats and 2 kids I can't always keep up with who is peeing when...

On a side note, he broke a dew claw on Monday and had it pulled out. I can't imagine that would have anything to do with it but thought it best to give all the details.

HELP! Any suggestions? Anything I can do? Are we talking about the emergency room? His vet is one hour away - we are very rural.
Hi....there is a possibility of the anal glands needing to be drained. Which is not uncommon. The vet would have to do it. And no it isn't ignorant...male dogs do have prostate...Had to look it up myself! LOL

Look in the area to see if there is some type of bite or a scab (i.e flea, tick etc). Sometimes it can be a bite that has become infected.

If he isn't urinating, get him to the nearest vet asap. I really hope everything is alright...I know it isn't much but hopefully that can give you an idea of what to rule out!
thank you! I can't find a bite or anything that looks infected. He's eating and drinking and urinating ok. Sleeping next to daddy right now. I'm going to get up early and be at the vets office when he gets there.

thanks for your reply
That's good that you can't find a bite etc.... you know it rules it out. Sleeping is the best thing he can do to fight off whatever he has. I think that's the best thing to do is be at the vets right away. I'd be doing the same thing! Always welcome!
Like Babysis mentioned. Males and Females have anal glands and Vet techs or groomers do whats called "expressing anal glands" Dogs can rub or scoot their butts on the floor and can feel a little down in the dumps but shouldn't feel that sick.

you said you dog is eating and drinking okay so it can't be "Garbage gut"

now you said he's pee'ing. are you checking if he's stuggling or pee'ing often? at that age its possiable to have Stomach, bladder or kindey stones. If he's getting alot of table scraps or poor quality dog food ect.

You didn't mention if he's neutered or not. If he's not neutered male dogs and females are at higher risk of testicular cancer and other cancers as well.

Its hard to say not to take him to the Emurgency Room vet unless you think its an Emurgency. However I would strongly suggest you take him to his regular vet to have him looked at.

abdominal pain of any kind is not normal and should be looked at. However when dogs digest things they shouldn't or get garbage gut....vets or dog owners often withdraw food and water for a couple of days to allow the gut to heal and allow any process of elimination. However in your case you said he's eating and drinking very well so I can't see that being the problem.

Just a few things I thought of you may want to consider.

Matthew Plummer
{Kansas City, Mo.}
We're on our way to his vet now. We talked and she thinks it may be a disc issue but won't know until she can see him. Please send good vibes this way.
Thanks for the replies.
Well. We are home. It is a bad disc. His reflexes in his left hind leg are very poor. Lots of steroids and muscle relaxers and bed rest (his favorite sport).

To answer a few of the earlier questions...he is a neutered male. Will be 8 years old. Chocolate and tan. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361220482.907539.jpg this is his sad face after the vet visit. He wanted me to
Get him a biscuit at Popeyes. I caved and got him his ultimate treat. How could I say no.
You will have to keep him kenneled for 8 weeks, not a day less. They can be feeling pretty good and you let them out and they re-injure themselves even worse than the first injury. Glad you got him in and had him checked. Try to remember that this is a spinal cord injury and it will help keep your determination strong! lol I am going through this right now with Georgia, she's finished 2 weeks rest and things are going well.

Check out this forum if you haven't already..

Dodgerslist : IVDD support for your dog

"The premier forum on care and protection for dogs suffering from intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)

Dodgerslist is not meant to be a chat list but to dispense important information to owners of dogs in crisis."

Be sure to cut back on how much you are feeding him. You don't want him to pack on weight over the 8 weeks of crate rest to stress his back further.
Good luck and keep us posted on his progress.
When we take Georgia to potty, we use a spare leash as a sling to support her back end. You don't want them to flop and twist themselves if their back end is weak, or if they want to give themselves a shake. Carry out to potty, carry back, put into kennel.


I took some dark fleece and sewed it into a pillow case shape, added loops to fasten to the top of the kennel, and it's a nice dark cosey spot for them...


You might like to check around if acupuncture is available. My vet said the sooner the better rather than wait...
Penny - those are GREAT ideas! Thanks so much for posting all the pics. I was wondering what I could do to make the crate more appealing and I think that would really work. He hasn't been in a crate in years - he's not very happy about any of this.
If you take him to the vet, be sure to travel with the crate in the car, buckled in. It's always a good idea to kennel when traveling in the car anyway. He may settle down more if he's in the room where you are, so a thing with wheels is handy to bring the kennel around the house. I don't have that but I keep 2 kennels at different places in the house.

For those with young doxies, this is the reason to do crate training. The chances are that your dachshund will need to be crated for weeks to recover from back issues.

Keep us posted on his progress, kay? Sending him best wishes that there is a steady recovery, and no more deficits. Know he can be much worse, so stay strong for his sake.
Darn! Sorry to hear about that. Thank goodness there is medications and treatment options to help with the disc. His sad face.. just makes your heart melt!

Penny- I never thought of to use a leash to support the backside when they do their business. Thank you for sharing that; as well as the other information too!!