Fourth of July and Anxiety


New Member
Watson hates loud noises, including thunder and fireworks. This is a big problem, because we live about 2 blocks away from the UNT stadium where they do a huge fireworks show for the 4th.

Now, I don't have the $40 to shell out for a thundershirt, but I've seen some other calming products at Petco, sprays and collars and stuff. Does anyone have an experience with these, or has anyone ever made anything themselves to help with noise anxiety?
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Go to your doctor's office, explain the problem, and ask for Valium.

Take two pills and go to bed before the fireworks start.

Can you go in the basement and watch a show? TV noises might help with muffling the fireworks. Or go visit someone and take Watson. lol

I know Georgia gets anxiety when thunder starts to boom. The other 2 of mine just continue their naps so I hope she just learns to cuddle in with them and chill too.
Go to your doctor's office, explain the problem, and ask for Valium.

Take two pills and go to bed before the fireworks start.



Can you go in the basement and watch a show? TV noises might help with muffling the fireworks. Or go visit someone and take Watson.

We actually don't have basements up here (and we're in an upstairs apartment, so that doesn't help the problem, lol.) I thought about moving his bed into a closet or the hallway, with no outside walls, but I think that would just freak him out even more.

He might just have to deal with it, because I'll be outside watching the show, and then when I come back in I'll give him lots of cuddles. We'll see.
I would go on a trip with the dog and as far away as possible from fireworks. I dont think you should drug dogs, Ive heard that they feel the same but cant move their body! So terrifying.
Well obviously I wouldn't drug him, I'm more curious about how scents and oils can help them feel calm, like lavender with people.

I don't want to go away though, because I want to watch the fireworks. I won't take him outside with me, of course.
Well obviously I wouldn't drug him, I'm more curious about how scents and oils can help them feel calm, like lavender with people.

I don't want to go away though, because I want to watch the fireworks. I won't take him outside with me, of course.

Flooding is a behavioral technique that is intense, and not favored as much as systematic desensitization, but it has been used in the past. There is more emotional stress involved with flooding. But it basically works by exposing your dog to the feared sound while keeping the dog in a safe and calm environment. Basically, you would take Sherlock with you, keep him close and exude calm relaxation. You have to be careful that you are not nervous about stressing him out, as he could mis - interpret your stress to mean that both of you are in danger.

If there is a toy or blanket that he associates with safety, you should bring that along. Don't fuss at him for being nervous, reward him for staying with you. And be willing to leave the fireworks show early.

With systematic desensitization, you could wait for the show to start, and at the first sign of anxiety, work to calm him, by petting, remaining calm, giving a massage, etc. Once he is calm, take him outside, and repeat whatever calming techniques you started in the house, if necessary. Then you take him by degrees closer to the fireworks display. Stopping when necessary as you get closer, until Sherlock regains his compsure. With luck, you will arrive in time to see the finale.

Keep in mind that if you can work with him successfully, you could still miss out on this year's show, but may be able to take him to the next.

Trying to do all of this in one night might be a bit of a stretch. It can take weeks, or months with people to desensitize them to a feared stimulus. So don't be disappointed if you are not entirely successful.

You might start early by practicing some doggie calming exercises. I'm not real sure what those may look like: sitting next to him, breathing calmly and slowly yourself, while rubbing his tummy?

Good luck.
Well, I got all concerned for nothing. It turns out my town is moving the fireworks show from the old stadium, right by our house, to the new one, across the highway. Yay for less stress, boo for no longer being able to see it from the porch!
I'm glad the noise got moved for Watson's sake. lol Whenever a loud noise occurs that scared Yosuke, we soothe him and then give him a small treat. Especially this time of year it is really helpful. He isn't as scared as before, but still a tad bit nervous. He LOVES storms now. He now knows thunder or lightning sounds means treat time! Give it a try if you'll be at home. If not, get him settled with something that smells like you (a blanket maybe) and go and enjoy the show. :D