Doggie Police!!!


New Member
That's what we call Sissy! Whenever my boyfriend and I kiss or hug or do silly dances (which the silly dances are very common in this household lol) she starts making funny noises and sometimes barks. She wants all the attention I guess lol! Does anyone else's fur baby do that? We find it hilarious!


The thing about doxies is they have a sense of humour! the first time I danced around the room with my new pup she went crazy! I swear she was laughing, I don't think its about getting the attention, I think its about wanting to join in the fun! mine make me laugh everyday, they are so intelligent, enjoy!!


New Member
Baby likes dancing and when we sing to her. When dancing she prances and does her "yarp." It's how her bark sounds. But if we sing and dance without her...we get "the look." Which then means we call her over and she starts prancing around. Yup she's spoiled.


New Member
Both of my doxies have to be involved in everything we do in the house or in the yard, like weeding the garden, you pull weeds and they are both next to me pulling weeds to, it is hilarious. Wherever I am, both are right there, including the bathroom!!!!