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Advice needed on IVDD surgery


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
Dieter Herzog, Sofie

My 5 year old dachshund had a bout of pain over Christmas and was prescribed prednisone and pain medication at an emergency vet. The vet at that time didn't think it was such a big deal since he was still walking and seemed fine.

Fast forward two months, my little Dieter has had X-Ray and MRI and the specialists have confirmed that he has calcified/herniated discs and initially recommended strict crate rest. He seemed to be getting better on prednisone but a few days after taking him off it, he reverts to being in pain.

The vet suggested that since he is in chronic pain, that he should have surgery. I'm not sure if this is really the right route to go on seeing as he is NOT paralyzed but in pain.

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

It's great to just be able to talk about it. Thank you.
I'm sorry, I dont have any experience with the disease, but have you looked into canine acupuncture? Apparently it does a very good job relieving pain from IVDD. A friend of mine has a beagle with the disease. She's not paralized either, but was in severe pain... she is now off all pain killers, after 3 accupuncture sessions
I'm sorry, I dont have any experience with the disease, but have you looked into canine acupuncture? Apparently it does a very good job relieving pain from IVDD. A friend of mine has a beagle with the disease. She's not paralized either, but was in severe pain... she is now off all pain killers, after 3 accupuncture sessions

We were planning on doing that and water therapy after the surgery. We've decided to go ahead and just get it out of the way. Thanks for your advice, DeafDogs :)