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  1. S

    Suzie & Ella

    Hello! I'm Suzie. My baby girl's name is Ella~ We're here to learn and have fun! Nice to meet you all!
  2. M


    Hi everyone I'm Murphsdad and new here I'm from the UK and have a 6 year old black and tan smooth miniature called Murphy . This looks like a great place for fun and info for me and my little boy.:)
  3. D

    New member

    Hi all, Just a quick Hello as just joined. I have a 4 month old miniature Dachshund who is a little bundle of fun! Looking forward to getting lots of advice from all of you!! Thanks Carrie
  4. Inkeri

    Geocaching dachshunds

    Other geocaching doxies out there?? :) I'm geocaching with my youngest doxie. I've even trained him to find caches. He's not 100%, but at least he's having fun. You can find us on geocaching.com georeino80 and on instagram @georeino80