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dachshund in need

  1. K

    Dachshund in need :(

    Hello to everyone out there. I am posting this link here because I know that no one knows the love of a dachshund unless they have one. Jasper was just diagnosed with cancer in his eye and needs emergency surgery. I am posting a gofundme link everywhere I can think of, including with my friends...
  2. J

    Please vote! The cutest dog is a Dachshund!

    Emma wants to win a seasonal cute-dog contest and needs lots of Dachshund-friendly votes! The contest has ended. Thank you for your help! You can vote daily for Emma through Dec 24th... we'll see how well the cutie does along the way!!
  3. J

    My friend's dog could use a little help.

    Emma wants to win a seasonal cute-dog contest but needs lots of dog-friendly votes! The contest has ended. Thank you for your help! You can vote daily vote for Emma... we'll see how well the cutie does along the way!!
  4. J

    My friend's dog could use a little help.

    Emma wants to win a cute-dog contest but needs lots of dog-friendly votes! The contest has ended. Thank you for your help!!
  5. sdw1961

    Assistance Needed

    I am dismayed over the large population of Dachshunds that are daily surrendered to shelters. I was also naive over the amount of them that are either abandoned or taken from a neglect/abusive situation. These sensitive babies, or any other dog for that matter, just do not deserve to be in any...