Surprised :)


New Member
Well since I don't have a yard to let Jax run freely. We had thought about buying those 75 ft tie out ropes and take him to the field close by.

Well, I didn't want to pay 15+ for it. SO i decided to try and make one. I got a clip and some yarn, and crocheted away! It's blue/green It's not near 75 ft, its only 18 ft-19 ft
but that will work fine for Jax.

Well my husband took Jax for a walk, and our neighbor stopped him to ask about it, she thought it was interesting. Then she asked If i could make one for her too :) I was kinda shocked. I wasn't expecting to make them to sell, I just did it to help do something to burn his energy. She wants a blue/orange one only 6 ft-8 ft. Well I agreed to do it :) just got to get the orange. I have plenty of blue lol

Thought I'd share a bit of my day with everyone :D
nice, have a picture of it? :) Do it hold for a dachsie jerk? Alf does that all the time, runs til the end of the line.
I thought i uploaded one lol oops. :)

It seems to hold, it helps that it stretches some too. Jax is jerky as well. Sometimes i wonder if I'm walking a dog, or a full blown circus lol


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That's clever. Looks pretty, too. Bree has already chewed through two leashes and one leash extension. He waits until we meet a neighbor, start to talk and he slyly turns away and goes to town on his leash.Next thing I know, he's leash-free and I'm holding a dangling leash. It's aggravating!!

Why don't you make a few and see if they will sell on eBay? :)

Frank chews his, too. But there is nothing shy about him. If I stop and don't let him get to whatever it is he is interested in, he just turns his head and puts the leash in his mouth. He looks at me as he calmly chews through the leash. Not angry or frustrated, just kinda like he has a job to do, so he's going to do it.

He doesn't bark or whine when kept from his goal. He just thinks of a solution and puts it into action: jumping, climbing, chewing through, or digging under.
That's clever. Looks pretty, too. Bree has already chewed through two leashes and one leash extension. He waits until we meet a neighbor, start to talk and he slyly turns away and goes to town on his leash.Next thing I know, he's leash-free and I'm holding a dangling leash. It's aggravating!!

Why don't you make a few and see if they will sell on eBay? :)

It is aggravating! Jax started that when I first got him, luckily he stopped doing that on his own too.

If it becomes something a lot of people would want, I might. I've only sold a couple so far :) oh and Thank you! :D
Thank you! It has really come quite handy lately, I've been having troubles with my knees and back, so it makes it easier taking him out. I dont have to go out as far, I can just let him go then reel him in lol
Thank you! It has really come quite handy lately, I've been having troubles with my knees and back, so it makes it easier taking him out. I dont have to go out as far, I can just let him go then reel him in lol

Just gave me a visual of a fisherman reeling in a landshark doxie lol

I feel you on the injuries, hopefully Jax takes it easy on you :)
Now that have a doxie/landshark I cannot imagine my life without
Lol well I do love to fish :)

Thank you, he does for the most part. He's been a good buddy, always wanting to cuddle. Then he gets his bursts of energy (way to often lol) and he's off lol

I cant imagine my life without my little/big?????, lol, guy either :)