What Owning A Dachshund Has Taught Me...


New Member
As a tribute to Gizmo and my remaining dachie, Stormi, I give you what owning a dachshund has taught me.

These low lying creatures that scurry quickly and hide masterfully are the masters of getting what they want, how they want it and when they want it.

This teaches us that it's okay to try and get what we want out of life and just how and when we want it! There is no wrong in this, we all have desires, goals, dreams to achieve and they are achievable if you find the ways to make it possible!

There's something about those round little eyes that never lose their ability to hypnotize you even as the years go on. The soul of the dachshund is a deep and mysterious one. When you think they are at their most calm and are being on their best behavior, beware they are plotting something!

We all have our own little mysteries. These mysteries are the things that have happened over our lives that have made us who we are. It is true that sometimes this may detract some persons from our lives but even still there are people that are captivated by just who we are just as we are and we should never change. Additionally, we must seek to add more people to our lives that are "hypnotized" by us just because of the person we are. They will accept and love us no matter what because they are in love with our whole self and accept that we are creatures of mystery and will never want us to change.

These little guys and girls are tougher than they look on the outside, it's quick to dismiss them as frail and fragile due to their size but give them 1 minute and they'll show you they're just as tough as a Great Dane! They are blissfully unaware of how small they are, but they carry a big personality and are most fiercely brave!

The dachshund has taught me to be resilient. We can all take a lesson here from the dachshund in that no matter what life throws at us and the circumstances we are given unto, there is always room to find the things in life that bring us joy and make us feel 'tall' even when the world and people in it can try to crush us. We should take the opportunities and make opportunities to branch out and try something new, be bold, be brave and courageous! Dachshunds, and dogs for that matter, rarely consider the what if's. Dachies live in the moment and while hard for us, we should try to as well by enjoying each and every moment for what it is and for those moments that are not so enjoyable, realize that tomorrow is another day and leave those worries and hurts behind.

Their barks are something to be revered and often scare and confuse people into thinking there are big dogs behind that door but as soon as that door opens they melt into jelly because they always love visits from friends and family!

The lesson here is there is always more to us than people really know. Many assume things about us every day that may or may not be truly who we are. Those assumptions can hurt and can even drive away people who we thought were friends, lovers or family. It can hurt when this happens but being reminded of our doxie friends, one must never close themselves off from experiencing the love and joy family, friends and significant others have to offer and we should always try to love everyone, even those that mistake us for what we are not.

Dachies can be stubborn, even the most obedient dachshund is apt to decide that today is not the day to Sit and Stay!

Stubborness is often thought of as a bad trait, it doesn't have to be. Being stubborn is vital when people or circumstances try to keep us down. Being stubborn in these situations means that you will not just Sit, Stay and take what comes and that you are the ultimate decision maker on whether you allow someone or situations to overcome you.

Dachies are loving and loyal and once they have found that special person or persons in their lives, nothing can change that loyalty and love. They will give it for a lifetime, no matter how long or short it may be and you can be assured that no matter if you step on your dachies little toes now and then their love and loyalty toward you will never change.

Love and Loyalty are among the most important things in life. We should seek to love and accept love when it is given and to not take such love and loyalty for granted. Find the people that love you, love them back and don't let the little things about them and the little scuffles change your love or loyalty to them for they will not always be there and you do not want to be left with any regrets when the ultimate time comes for them to leave this lifetime.



What a lovely post, thank you.

What owning a dachshund has taught me........is that dogs DO have a sense of humour.... oh and also that they can have Tourette's! lol


New Member
Everything that you said in this post is exactly true!!!! I feel that Dachshunds are very unique and have a quality about them that no other dog has. I could never see me with no other dog, other then a dachshund.