Happy Gotcha Day Engli


New Member
It was 10 years ago :faint: that we brought Engli home. Shirley had tears when we came to get her and so did I. Then I knew why, what a happy, fun little thing she is, so gentle. What a gift to let us bring her to our home. We enjoyed many happy times with Shirley over the years bringing Engli back for visits and I wish I could enjoy one more visit all together again. We lost Shirley to cancer and Engli and Beau have become even more special because of that special lady.

Some happy pics over the years...

We used to toss the ball to the other side of the bed and make it pop up in the air. Whoever caught it would race around the bed and return it for another throw. It made a huge round wear mark in the carpet like a flying saucer landed there at some point. lol

She used to use her front paws to scoop the ball into her mouth. Smart girl...
