Dry Eye - Need Advice

Miss P

New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new here. I came across this forum while trying to search some info on dry eye in dachshunds.

I have an 11 year old long haired female. About 5 or 6 years ago she developed a cherry eye in her right eye. I took her to the vet and they said as long as its not bothering her then its nothing to worry about. Well fast forward to now.....about 2 weeks ago, she developed an infection in her eye. I took her in and got some antibiotic drops, used them for the 10 days they told me to and it didn't clear up. Took her back in and they said she had developed an ulcer on her cornea. They have us some artificial tear and a different antibiotic this time and referred us to an animal ophthalmologist. Her ulcer had subsided but she was still getting a lot of discharge. So today I took her to see the specialist and they diagnosed her with dry eye. They did a tear test on her where they put a little paper stick in her lower lid to measure her tear production and she wasn't producing any whatsoever. They prescribed her with an alpha interferon drop to use for 10 days and a tacrolimus drop to use indefinitely. I put both drops in her eyes as directed and just about 5 minutes later she can hardly open her eyes. Has anyone had this issue with their dachshunds before? Is the not opening her eyes now just a medication side effect or do you think it's something else? I just feel so awful for her. I can tell she is miserable. :( so any advice will be appreciated.

Sorry for the long post!

Thank you!


Hi and welcome from the UK! Sorry I can't offer any useful advice as I have never experienced this, hope someone can give you some tips.