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  1. W

    snowballs on coat

    Snow My 3 refuse to go out in the snow, I have 2 standard long haired and 1 mini smooth (she is freezing and cuddles into the other 2 for heat) they run out do their business and scoot back in. The 2 standards (sisters) are coming up for 11 now and 1 of them has a heart problem and doggie...
  2. W

    New member welcome thread..

    Hello everyone My name is Wendy, at present I have 3 dachshunds, 2 standard red long haired sisters, Daphne & Gabby they are 10 years old. Daphne we have had since she was a puppy and Gabby since she was 2, the lady who bred them tried to show Gabby but she was a bit ditsy, she wanted her to...
  3. W

    caution in climbing stairs

    I am confused as to why you think it is dangerous for them to climb stairs? I have had dachshunds for 23 years and have never had a problem with any of them climbing stairs! The only hurdle they have to get over is when they start to get longer as puppies to learn to navigate them, it's a...