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  1. P

    Skin conditions for Dixie

    Hello everyone, I'm about at my wits end , my girl Lola constantly licks her butt, I already know about anal glands , she's been to the vet for licking paws as well, now the paws have cleared up, now the butt, so I'm thinking allergies, changed the food to lamb and rice, what can I do to help...
  2. P


    Hi, I came across your site today, I have 2yr Dixie brindle name Lola, she is so sweet, I got her as a companion for my 3 yr old chichauau Bella , we are happy to be here, and look forward to enjoying this wonderful forum.
  3. P

    Licking vulva excessively

    Hi I was wondering if anyone had the same problem, My Lola licks her vulva till a sore appears, I already think she has allergies, and I changed her food, but every time I give her a break from the Elizabethan collar, she goes right down there and starts to lick and bite, and when I put the...