Recent content by TillyHershey

  1. T

    Male Pooping and Peeing in House

    spray and clicker suggestion I don't take him out after every snack or meal, that would probably help him a lot though. No other males in house, but my very dominating female Jack Russell Terrier. Thank you for the suggestion on the sprays and clicker training, I will have to look into...
  2. T

    Anyone work there doxie in agility or other performance events

    Obedience and Agility with my dachshund Hi Tim, I have been training and practicing agility and obedience skills with my 6 year old dachshund Hershey for about 4 or 5 years. It is true that agility can be hard on dachi's back if they do jumps (especially if they are too high of jumps or too...
  3. T

    Male Pooping and Peeing in House

    Hello fellow dachi lovers! I have a 6 year old male dachshund. He is a smooth coated chocolate and tan boy. He has had a problem with pooping and peeing in the house since he was just a pup. Here's the details: He cannot be left alone for even a minute, or he will often steal away and poop...