Recent content by Aneesa

  1. A

    I don't have the money to take him to a vet at the moment.

    I don't have the money to take him to a vet at the moment.
  2. A

    Back problems, because of their body proportions. So, if anyone can please help me. I'd...

    Back problems, because of their body proportions. So, if anyone can please help me. I'd appreciate it so, so much. I'm very concerned. And
  3. A

    Walks, he stumbles. And when he's standing his legs are crossing or almost crossing one another...

    Walks, he stumbles. And when he's standing his legs are crossing or almost crossing one another. And I know that these kind of dogs do have
  4. A

    We tried to get him to jump on the sidewalk and it took his a second. Like, his back legs...

    We tried to get him to jump on the sidewalk and it took his a second. Like, his back legs weren't working. I've also noticed that when he
  5. A

    I need help. My dachshund is relatively old, and I've noticed he's been having some walking issues.

    I need help. My dachshund is relatively old, and I've noticed he's been having some walking issues.