Will my 2 year old doxie welcome a puppy?


New Member
Hello! I have a beautiful 2 year old doxie female who is a mommy's girl. She is always by my side, is very protective and loyal to me.

I am gone for long periods in the day sometime and I notice she is always laying in the same place when I leave as when I get home at night, she seems to get into a depression when she sees me packing my bags to leave and won't even acknowledge me when I am walking out the door.

I have been contemplating on getting a male puppy, so she has someone to play with while I am gone and she isn't so lonely. My only concern is, she isn't totally friendly to other dogs (which is why I was thinking a puppy would be good) - but since she is such a mommy's girl and gets all the attention right now, would bringing in another dog help or upset her? I know each dog is different, but I am on the fence if this decision would be better for her or worse. The second dog isn't for me - it is so she has someone to keep her company and play with - but I would hate for that to backfire and she ends up not accepting the puppy and then stops being her happy self. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!:)
One problem is that you wont be able to leave a puppy for more than a very, very short while to begin with so as you already have to leave your other one this may not be too good an idea.

You said your dog doesn't really like other dogs, is she aggressive (another reason not to get a puppy) or just shy? If she has got on with another dog maybe you could consider an older rescue? Most of the rescue homes in the UK insist you bring any dogs you have to the shelter to meet the rescue first, then you would get an idea how they would get on.

The other thing you could try is to ask a friend who has a friendly dog to visit and see how that goes first. It would be a shame to get another one then have to give it back so I would try to socialise yours a bit more first and see how that goes.

Oh just another idea....how is she with cats? they fare much better at being left for a while and it would still be company?
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Thanks Nell

Hi Nell - thanks so much. I work from home often, so I am with my dachshund quite a bit - it is just when I am coming and going. Throughout the month of November-December, I don't have travel planned so I thought it would be a good time to bring in a puppy - but I could be wrong.

I have a cat- they leave eachother alone and don't provide much company for each other. Bummer.
Her aggression seems to be protective until she gets to know a dog. She will bark at strange dogs on our walk until she gets to sniff/meet them.

It is a rescue.

I am just concerned on if another dog would be helpful to ease her and help some of her bad/aggressive habits or promote them more- you are right, I don't want to have to give them back. Thanks so much!
Is there a dachshund meet up going on where you are? You might like to check that out and see how that goes. I find my doxies prefer other doxies.
Is there a dachshund meet up going on where you are? You might like to check that out and see how that goes. I find my doxies prefer other doxies.

Yes that's a really good idea! I have noticed that too, there can be several dogs in my local park but as soon as my friend arrives with her Doxie, Connie has eyes for no one else!
Having two dogs is great but your primary reason for wanting a second dog should be because YOU want one. Keep in mind that some dogs are more people-oriented than dog-oriented. While your current dog may be able to co-exist with another dog, she may never be playmates with a new dog or puppy.