Puppy won't use legs? or, no balance?


New Member
I have never, ever seen this happen. First, he is 5 weeks old and bottle fed - he had failure to thrive with his mom at two weeks. Started placing tongue over nipple, and no amount of coaxing would make him do otherwise. So, here he is with me. I tried putting him on my pug that has puppies, by pushing his tongue down, but he kept falling off the nipple like that, so now, I have a baby again and 4 am feedings. :) Anyway, this puppy is not a swimmer, not hydrocephalus, everything is normal... except, puppy can't walk like the litter mates. Back legs are like a swimmer, but front are down to the back - looks like a torpedo. Chest wasn't very flat at all. After lots of therapy front legs have came to, well, the front, and putting weight on back legs. However, front legs are buckling over, like rickets, sort of, but its just weak ankles, or a lack of balance. Supplements and lots of sunshine, so don't think its rickets. Seems neurological, shakes a lot when eating from bowl and doing anything besides just sitting there. Still can't walk, sort of rolls and army crawls. I don't want to put him down, he's not in pain, but I have no idea if this will get better?? Anyone been through this? He has developed muscle sense therapy, but still has no balance?? Everything else is on target. Lots of research has gotten me nowhere, I can't find a case like this online. Vet bound on Tuesday, but just wanting to prepare myself in case he says to put him down... or be prepared to find a second opinion. I haven't taken him yet, because frankly, I didn't expect him to make it until the last few days when he started actually trying to walk (well, crawl) and eat solids, but he wasn't in pain so I couldn't bring myself to, I know what they will want to do....:( I don't think its nerve damage because he twitches all his little toes in his sleep. Do you think mom could have laid on him or something? Littermates were fat and healthy, running everywhere.
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Hi, I am so sorry to hear this, It sounds like you have really tried hard with this pup but I do agree she needs to see the vet to get you a long term prognosis. I hope they can give you some good news but if things do look bad at least you will know you have done everything possible and it will be the best for the puppy in the long run. Good luck.
I agree with Nell. Take the puppy to a vet, or even a couple, and get their opinions. I've heard of dachshunds born with leg issues, but not sure if this is the same or not. I've never encountered this before in person. Like Nell said, it sounds like you are doing absolutely everything for the puppy that you can. I would continue to care for him. Maybe his muscles just aren't developing correctly in the legs or his bones didn't develop correctly. I so hope not.