Problem bonding with my mini dach


New Member
I have a mini dachshund for over a month now. She's a 4-month old sweet girl; she learned basic commands like come, sit, stay, touch, hand, etc. and had been improving on her paper training. She also loves my family; she's excited and jumping like crazy when she sees us. I am 17 years old and had taken to responsibility of establishing myself as the major care taker in the family (as i'm the one who asked for a puppy and picked her and my family isn't much interested in dogs or animals as i am). The ONLY problem that bothers me the most now is that even though i'm the one taking care of her most of the time (feeding, replacing water, training, praising, giving treats, cleaning out soiled spots, walking, paying most attention, petting her on my lap, kissing her, spending the most time with her,etc.) she is more interested in my mom than in me. I hope i'm just over-thinking, but it appears to me that she prefers to stay in my mom's room when my mom is there watching things on the computer, and follows her, tries to get her attention, watches her do everything. I just feel like i'm a secret lover of some kind following after her and begging for her love. My mom even tries to pay less attention to her, but she just loves to be around with my mom. she never fed her or pet her to sleep. And my dog listens to my commands more than to my mom and probably respects me more. I never felt that stupid. I am a quite detached person and only decide to get a dog because i feel like a dog is the loyal one to speak to when ppl at school or at work make me feel unpleasant, but now i lose trust in my dog and feel that dogs are not as loyal as i used to believe? Seriously, it's hurting me from deep down inside.
Don't over think this. Just lover her and take care of her. She will appreciate you. My wife is not an animal lover and refuses to hold our Dach's but he doesn't care. He still follows her around the house and wants to know what she is up to. They are naturally curious and always want to know what is going on.
Our boys feel more comfortebl with my father in law. They listen to him to 100 %, us they sometimes stop listening to, eve though its me that went to 4 different dog training classes and are the one making all the fun and training. It doesnt matter. As long as they are happy.

Sometimes its just something that person do or send out that makes them feel safe. No worry, its not that she doesnt love you, but your mom may be her favourit person for now.
Dont make any of it. Thats just how they are. Its like humans. We can love a lot of people but feel more at ease with some.

Good luck with her.
Thanks for all the replies, they make them feel a bit better. My dog just wants my mom's attention so I don't give her attention (as she doesn't ask for it). I just give out food and do the essensial things with little eye contact, little touch and little talk. And if eventually she picks my mom as the forever pack leader or someone she loves to stick to even if my mom doesn't do what a dog owner does, I will still have to taker major care of her because she's mine and I have the responsibility. But I don't think I will have another dog in the future since it's heart breaking to love a dog i own that doesn't love me the most.
I just think i can't change myself to make her feel more comfortable staying with me. And my mom doesn't want a dog following her all day either. It's a real problem. My mom really doesn't like dog that much but my dog gives her her belly to rub everytime my mom approaches her but she doesn't flip her belly for me.
Btw does it mean no going back? I heard that dachshunds are loyal and are one-man dogs. So i wonder that my mom will be her forever loved?
I am really sorry to hear you have stopped giving your dog the attention you were at the start. Have you thought that maybe your dog knows you love her so she doesn't need to demand your attention, she could be following your mum because she doesn't like to be ignored and doesn't understand it.

The more you do with your dog the stronger the bond will be, if you are the fun one, the one who comforts her and feeds her and the one who plays with her you will have a special bond with her.

She can be your best friend and still have other friends. A dog who is sociable is a happy and well balanced dog who is a credit to all your training.
Don't stop paying attention to her. She still needs your attention. :) Dachshunds can have more than one favorite - mine does! Your baby is going to act differently at least a little towards each person. Mine goes CRAZY when I come home, but only gets a little excited when my hubby gets home. He still loves my hubby very much though. She still loves you and still needs you. Don't give up!

Like Nell said too, she will form a different bond with you than anyone else if you continue to be with her and take care of her.
Augie our male doxi picked my daughter, but gives us all loving attention. He will spend alot of time with me without my daughter, even though she might be in the next room. Lily our female whom I picked hasn't chose a person in our house to be that one person. She is equal to everyone, she is more independent than Augie and follows us all. I would not worry about it, she is still young and I would spoil her anyway.
Question, is your Mom home most of the time? My springer I had as a kid liked my Mom better even though I did everything with and for her as my Mom was home all the time when Patches was a pup.