Collar of death??


New Member
So our little Mochi will absolutely not let us put his collar on him. He starts to growl, squirm, bark, bite….he acts like it is going to kill him. He is so quick and teeth are so sharp that we can seriously never get it on him. We don't want to pin him down and force it on him and make him hate it, but we also don't want to let him keep winning. What do we do???
well we have only had him for three weeks. The first few days he let us put it on him, no problem. There were no bad experiences we can remember which is why we are so confused. We are going to go buy a few different collars today and try them out to see if we can solve it that way.
Something may have happened while his collar was on that he now associates bad things with the collar. Make sure he has no injuries to his neck or any ear infection.
You can desensitize him to the collar by gradually teaching him it's a good thing. Start by showing it to him and giving him treats. Let him sniff and check it out, and praise and reward him when he does. Also start reaching over his head (without the collar, just your hand) and giving treats with your other hand. If you feed kibble, feed one by one, reach towards his head, give kibble. Touch his neck, give kibble. Get him really used to you touching his collar area. When he's comfortable with you touching his neck and when he's intentionally nosing the collar to get treats, then slowly put it on, giving treats at the same time.

It could be the snap he doesn't like-try a buckle collar.