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Videos of Zorro


New Member
Jun 4, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GKJMApc3U4]Zorró að sækja - YouTube[/ame]
Zorro fetching. He's a bit distracted because there were many birds singing haha :)
This video was just taken tonight(04.06.2012) around midnight. As you see it doesn't get dark outside in Iceland in the summertime.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCtdbIby9S0&feature=plcp]IMG_0280.MOV - YouTube[/ame]
Zorro playing in the snow this winter :)

Zorro hræddur við fjöður | Facebook
Here is Zorro afraid of a feather.

Zorró í snjónum | Facebook
Zorro playing in the snow last winter 2011.

Hope you enjoy :)
He's so funny!! :D Manu loves to play fetch also. :)
Love your videos! You come from Island? I love Island! Been there in 2000 and love to go back. Im from north of Sweden and we have sun during night as well :) Hard to sleep ;)
Yes I come from Iceland :) Alf is adorable, and I love his tricks :D Maybe I will do video with Zorro's tricks.
It's great to live in Iceland, but it's not a dog friendly country. It's nearly impossible to find a place to rent if you have a dog, you can't take your dog to the bus so you have to own a car and they are prohibited in the downtown area and so on.
What great energy! He's adorable. Love the spacious play area, too. Iceland looks beautiful.