The Lonely Girl


New Member
So for a period of time I was living alone and feeling very lonely because of it. So, I decided to adopt a dog. When I was looking I discovered a beautiful dapple online at an rescue an hour from where I lived. However, when I went to pick her up there was another dachshund there also looking for a home. I ended up going home with two dogs instead of just one. However, I wouldn't change a thing about it.

Here are my fur babies at their best. In my lap while I read a book.


New Member
OMG, yes they love cuddling especially with each other. They have separation anxiety from each other. You take one away and the other whines until they get back. Its so cute.


Active Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of dachshunds! Chances are, you will never be lonely again. They will follow you all over your house, insist on sleeping in your bed (and if you are lucky they will allow you to sleep there too.) You will develop an extra sense about where to place or move your feet when you are preparing anything edible in your kitchen. Your lap will be commandeered while you watch television or read. If you try to take a bath or do anything else in your bathroom, you will have 'round the clock supervision. And you will never need an alarm system for your house, you will be alerted to menacing squirrels, cars in your driveway, things that go bump in the night, and all kinds of things you never knew you should be concerned about. Most of all, you will love every minute of living with your furry little friends. Congratulations on your new family members and thank you for going the rescue adoption route.


New Member
I know, and now if I eat in front of them they know to stay at my feet because they will get crumbs that way. Its just so darn cute.