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rawhide alternative long-lasting chews

Marshmellow Fairy

New Member
May 6, 2012
Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any good suggestions for rawhide alternative chews that will last a long time. I have read that rawhide are dangerous for dogs because they can contain salmonella, arsenic, and antibiotics, (RAWHIDE TREATS POSE DANGER TO DOGS | Ask a Dog Breeder: Dog Breeding Information, Storefront, Questions, Tips, Advice & Forums - Dog Mating) but I want to have a good alternative for my mini doxie, a bone or some other edible chew to keep her busy.

I was surfing on petsmart.com and found an option made by Canyon Creek Ranch (Canyon Creek Ranch Western Grill Treats & Chews for Dogs - Treats & Rawhide - Dog - PetSmart), its a variety of treats and chews for dogs. My question concerning these in particular is that 3 of them have pork hide or skin, and I do not know how safe or dangerous those are to dogs.

Alternately, she has a ball that looks like 2-3 little tires that connect, and it has a little bell in it, that she enjoys to chew on, so I may just need to invest in some similar, good chew toys.

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
My dogs get nylabones, raw bones (chicken drumsticks, necks, turkey necks, oxtails, no weight bearing bones), and Bully sticks.

You're right, rawhide can be dangerous, if they swallow large pieces. It expands in their tummies, and can cause blockages, however we fed rawhide to my childhood dogs their whole lives.
I wouldn't recommend chicken drumsticks. I would think it wasn't quite thick enough.
They eat the bone, it's VERY good for teeth :) As long as chicken bones are RAW they are not dangerous to dogs.


I know, I feed half raw, but would never feed such a light weighted bird simply because of splintering. I feed turkey bones or venison bones.
Bony chicken is generally where everyone starts with raw. I know many who feed drumsticks, and wings. Turkey drumsticks are way too much for my little 8lb mini's A drumstick is almost too much!
Bony chicken is generally where everyone starts with raw. I know many who feed drumsticks, and wings. Turkey drumsticks are way too much for my little 8lb mini's A drumstick is almost too much!

You think its safe to feed raw chicken? as far as bacteria goes?

I have always wanted to feed raw steak, and maybe chiken liver, but im afraid they might catch something from the raw meats.
No dogs digestive systems fight anything that raw meat carries. Dogs dont get salmonella poisoning either. There are many, MANY people who feed raw meat. It's perfectly safe.
I just don't feed chicken bones lol...to each their own.
cow hooves are a long lasting chew treat, stinky when chewed on tho (smells like poo! so don't let them chew right next to you lol). They last for months, and I throw them away when they start to get smallish and they get new ones. Nylabones are good too, but don't seem to spark as much interest here.
The original poster posted a link that went to a website that sells alternatives to Rawhide chews, so I thought I'd look for other sites that may be less prone slant the facts.

I found WebMD for Dogs:

Rawhide Bones and Treats for Dogs: Risks and Benefits

In amongst the information is this:

Given the amount of rawhide consumed by dogs each year, the risks are relatively small. Still, risks can be serious, so don’t ignore them. Weigh the risks and benefits of giving rawhides based upon your dog's chewing needs and behaviors.

They list all of the risks and concerns in the AskaBreeder's article, but without the hyperbole that makes it sound like your dog is in immediate danger.

what most people don't know is that rawhide treats are VERY dangerous to your dog!

Rawhide chew time is part of our evening routine with our dogs. For about 20 minutes, they sit in our laps, we hang onto the chews, and when the chew gets too small to hang onto comfortably, it goes in the trash.

As WebMD says, the risks are there, but small. Should you see any signs of a problem, then you act. As DeafDogs points out, dogs have been chewing on rawhide for a long time, and very few have problems.
Antlers make excellent chews. I have a friend who shows Great Danes that uses them and they last forever with the big guys even. And chicken bones are safe for all dogs if raw. They only splinter when cooked. When raw, they break.
Khloelove- I had an opportunity to buy a small antler today. Bree just loves it!! (and me for giving it to him!) I was told the antler is 'naturally shed'. I hope that's true. I'm not a fan of dead animal parts for chew toys. (Sorry, that's just a personal preference.) :cool:
My dogs wont touch antlers. BUT they love the chicken wings and thighs that I buy them. Nalla gets turkey necks because she is a beast and is a 65lb Monster!!

Bully sticks are good chews, they last a long time for Noods..
deer antlers?

I have checking into the deer antlers, seems to be very popular. How many of you have let your dogs have them?