Puppy Questions


New Member
I've been trying to potty train my miniature dachshund Peanut for almost 7 months now, and he still has accidents almost every other day. We tried potty pads, but he rips them up. I tried crate training for about a week but felt too bad kenneling him that often. He has a 4 by 4 ft exercise pen that I keep him in when I am in classes or can't give him 100%of my attention to try and lessen the accidents and the area where he can have them. Does anyone have any good tips for potty training?


New Member
Pets mart has a spray you spray on the ground where you want them to go, while it has not worked getting mine to go in a certain spot, I take her to the spot where I spray and she will smell walk around and the go outside.


New Member
Thank you, I'll try it out. He's been better about going to the door and going outside instead of on the carpet, but today he had an accident so if he regresses I'll try it out. :)