I recently rescued a 10-11 week (exact age unknown) Piebald Dachshund named Otis. I love him more than anything but I work a very demanding work schedule. He has been in our home for 2 days and now I am overcome with guilt. Did I make this decision too fast, am I not ready, does he deserve better? I went to Petsmart last night to purchase supplies and literally broke down crying. I suppose I am in the new Mom phase and I feel SO guilty that he is crated during a 9 hour day (I come home twice). It seems like everyone I talk to tells me this is normal and everyone wanted to give their dog back at some point and that this stage will pass. They continue to encourage me that dogs sleep most of the day and that in just a few months, he will be able to be home during the day with just one break. My parents even said not to do anything rash that they would take him for the summer. I just feel COMPLETELY overwhelmed and that he deserves better. Is this remotely normal?