Wow, you guys have been really lucky. My little one, well, when she was a baby, was so frakkin' difficult about potty training. I was with my ex at the time, who wasn't very patient, so when she had an accident, he would yell at her.

I told him to stop it but he wouldn't listen.
As a result, I had to "deprogram" my little Charlotte because she was awfully nervous about potty. It took me almost a year to get her to 75% reliable, and now she's at 95%. The only time she has accidents is if she's feeling nervous for some reason, usually coinciding with a move or any major adjustment, we've had a few since my divorce...But if she does have an accident, it's when I'm not home, and she goes on the bathroom tile. Always 2. Never 1, for some reason she always holds her pee. it's the other she's got issues with. Maybe it's IBS lol. Seriously though, I'm really impressed that even when she has a whoops, she has the smarts enough to use the bathroom. It's funny.
We're both just really happy that we don't have to hear any yelling anymore.
She's been much calmer.