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Pit Bull ban in Ontario isn't working


Staff member
Sep 12, 2010
Milo, Sam , Molly
Ontario, Canada - Breed specific legislation put in place by the provincial government back in 2005 isn't working to reduce dog bites. Surely this comes as a complete surprise to dog owners - especially Pit bull owners.After all, everyone...


ok this is a little off subject but still on pit bulls - in the UK
the dangerous dogs act was enforced yeas ago with breed specific legislation including the ban of 'pit bull type terriers' due to a high number of dog bites and illegal dog fights.
my first dog ( of my own and not a family one) was a quarter pit so have no qualms about pitbulls in general and understand that in the U.S they are a common family dog just as the labrador is here, the problem is now they are banned you are required to register, microchip and keep your dog muzzled in public but of corse it is the minority who do this, it seems that the pit in the UK is thriving and being classed as a staffy x whenever questioned about it.
when the law was first put in place the numbers of pits declined due to being euthanised after being seized by the police, which then minimised the gene pool. pits are frequently being bred and used as status dogs with the wrong socialisation and extremely inbred causing dangerously aggressive dogs. its a real shame as i know first hand how nice these dogs can be but unfortunatly there is no qiuck fix solution, i recently helped out at local police dog training and breeding kennels and they admitted that they lacked the funds ( for DNA breed testing) and man power to do anything about it.
ok this is a little off subject but still on pit bulls - in the UK
the dangerous dogs act was enforced yeas ago with breed specific legislation including the ban of 'pit bull type terriers' due to a high number of dog bites and illegal dog fights.
my first dog ( of my own and not a family one) was a quarter pit so have no qualms about pitbulls in general and understand that in the U.S they are a common family dog just as the labrador is here, the problem is now they are banned you are required to register, microchip and keep your dog muzzled in public but of corse it is the minority who do this, it seems that the pit in the UK is thriving and being classed as a staffy x whenever questioned about it.
when the law was first put in place the numbers of pits declined due to being euthanised after being seized by the police, which then minimised the gene pool. pits are frequently being bred and used as status dogs with the wrong socialisation and extremely inbred causing dangerously aggressive dogs. its a real shame as i know first hand how nice these dogs can be but unfortunatly there is no qiuck fix solution, i recently helped out at local police dog training and breeding kennels and they admitted that they lacked the funds ( for DNA breed testing) and man power to do anything about it.

I'm a huge fan of Pit Bulls. My firend has a 3 year old Pitty that was rescued from a dog fighting ring IN Ontario. He is a perfect example of the breed... YES he was bred for fighting, NO he is not dog aggressive, or Cat aggressive, or Human aggressive... He's a perfect pet. He was never fought, he was rescued as a 6 month old pup. He does have a stong prey drive, but my friend channeled that instinct into a ball drive... he is now obsessed with his ball. He's a perfect dog in my opinion. I dont care how many people who say that pitties bred to fight can never be trusted, look at the VICKtory dogs. many of them have been rehabbed and adopted into multiple dog households, homes with cats, homes with kids.

DEED NOT BREED!!!! breed bans DO. NOT. WORK!!!! they are stupid, usless and a complete waste of tax payers money. People who owned aggressive Pit Bulls now own aggressive Rotties or Mastiffs or Shepherds... so are they going to be banned next??? We need to stop this now, BEFORE it gets out of hand, and more innocent dogs die!!!!!!
oh im behind the whole deed not breed, whole heartedly, they are trying to change things over here but fear they will get it all wrong all over again, we can only hope for the best, the recent draughts and proposals havnt looked too promising, but heres a vid you might like ...........[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFUe2caxPmo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Twas the Night before Christmas - A pit bulls tale...[/ame]
I've seen this video on several different forums! it's a great video... but if you're queasy, dont watch the end... it has pictures of the Denver Pit Bull Slaughter on it... sooooo horrific! It has been proven, time and time again, that breed bans do not work. What a horrible thing to do to an amazing breed :(