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Organic Dog Treats


New Member
Jan 31, 2012
Pekoe, Maya
Greetings from Atlanta! I'm Andrew, proud parent of 2 red mini's (Pekoe and Maya) and baker for Terra Dog Bakery. We specialize in all organic treats that are gluten, wheat, soy, corn and preservative free. We offer a range of scratch baked goodies from custom cake/cupcake orders to cookies, biscuits and more!

We also offer a line of organic breed specific treats, which contain added nutrients to combat common health problems associated with breeds. For instance, our Dachshund Treats contain Glucosamine, B Vitamin Complex, Omega 3's and Vitamin E to promote the health of your dachshund. For those who choose not to give their dog's the added nutrients we offer straight up organic treats as well. Visit our store or catch us online at Terra Dog Bakery / Dachshund
Unfortunately we do not satisfy international orders (YET!) But we can ship anywhere in the U.S.! :)