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New Member
Apr 25, 2012
1 dog, 1 ferret, and 1 bunny
hello, I am new here to this forum. my name is Danny, I am a 40 year old male who owns a 2 year old miniature dachshund. I've had her when she was 9 weeks old. and her name is Lucy, as you may can tell by my user name. Lucy is my pride and joy. she is my second dog that I have owned. she is a very sweet doggie, and I love her with all my heart. I got Lucy from a breeder at a flea market in my hometown. Lucy may not know many tricks, but she is sweet. and whenever she gets happy, she will roll on the floor barking. I have trained her to go outside, to bark when she wants a treat, to bark when I ask her if she wants to go bye bye. like I said, she may not know many tricks, but she does know a little. Lucy and I are grateful to be part of this forum.
Hello and welcome! :)
Welcome and good to have you here! Dachshunds are such awesome little dogs eh? So full of fun and mischeif :)
Welcome to both of you. I have owned many dachshunds over the years and have never had one that did not make me fall in love.