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My red mini


New Member
Apr 6, 2012
Pete - Doxie Rosie - Mini Doxie
Does anyone have a red mini? Mine has anxiety issues, she paces back and fourth when we leave the house and the veins in her ears bulge out! Also, she is overweight (which i already know is back, so i dont need the lecture) but she attacks the other dogs for food! Any ideas on how to make her stop??
I've had 2 red minis, 1 chocolate mini and currently have 1 silver dapple mini (along with 1 lab and 2 newfs)...

I'm so sorry to hear about you pups issues...

Do you keep her in a cage when you leave the house? I have found that caging my pups helps them to feel more secure when I'm not around.

If she is overweight due to over feeding...then you know the answer...stop feeding her so much. BUT, if it's not do to over feeding...then you may want to have the vet check her for a hypothyroid. I can tell you from experience...and over $3000 spent on back surgery...you don't want to go down that road. Also, exercise is very important...and talk with your vet about an excercise program.

As for attacking other dogs for food...that can be helped by simply feeding dogs separately. Since she is overweight, you shouldn't be leaving food out...it is better to feed 2 small meals per day...that way you can monitor the food intake and keep dogs from fighting over food.

Hope this helps...

Does anyone have a red mini? Mine has anxiety issues, she paces back and fourth when we leave the house and the veins in her ears bulge out! Also, she is overweight (which i already know is back, so i dont need the lecture) but she attacks the other dogs for food! Any ideas on how to make her stop??
How much outdoor exercise does she get? Aggression and anxiety can become worst if dogs are not getting proper exercise and physical/mental stimulation. Even little dogs need good outdoor walks at least once a day, going out into a yard is really only good for going toilet. Walks will also help keep the weight down. Unless your dogs are standard size there is no need for them to eat more then around a cup a day, split into morning and evening feedings 1/2 cup each or less if the dogs are less then 10lbs. Pick up un-eaten food after 10 minutes, keep the dogs separate if they fight for food.