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My Doxie is a Daredevil! Help!


New Member
Oct 27, 2011
I got Dexter a week ago, he is anywhere from 2-4 yrs old and is a standard long haired - I am truely in love :) However Dexter was abused by his last owners and is recovering from surgery after suffering from a shattered femur, it's been 10 days since surgery. He is healing incredibly and everyday puts a bit more pressure on that leg... and as a first time Dachshund owner as well as knowing about his past, I am super protective and don't want him to do anything that may hurt his leg or back for that matter... however Dexter has a very different outlook and doesn't let anything hold him back. So far the sneaky little devil has jumped off my bed (about 3-4 ft high) a few times, each time nearly giving me a heart attack. I have been trying for several days to train him to use his doggy stairs or wait to be picked up but he simply refuses (he is the epitome of a Doxie I guess)... but what do i do??? I am well aware of the dangers of dachshunds jumping, climbing, etc. and of course I don't want to risk an injury, but once he is healed, I won't be watching him every moment of everyday, and I don't want to crate him every time I can't keep my eye on him. I am out of ideas at this point, and need some advice on how to get this daredevil to take it easy!! :)
I know it's kind of annoying, but for now, leash him to you, keep doors closed to areas he can jump on and off things he shouldn't, and block off stairs. Train him that EVERY time he wants ON furniture, he has to sit first and wait for permission, so you'll be available for the on and off thing. I have my bed on the floor, because of 2 little daredevils :) Well, mostly one... Mouse is a rotter! LOL
Manu isn't allowed to come to the bed with (or without) us. And he was allowed to come to the sofa with us when he was big enough to jump there himself. :)
When Patrick was about 4 months old he decided to jump off my son's porch.( he was my son's then our now) Breaking his leg in the process. He had a cast for about 6 weeks. He was the same way. And sometimes still is. When he is waiting for his food he will jump almost 4 ft straight up.

I got Dexter a week ago, he is anywhere from 2-4 yrs old and is a standard long haired - I am truely in love :) However Dexter was abused by his last owners and is recovering from surgery after suffering from a shattered femur, it's been 10 days since surgery. He is healing incredibly and everyday puts a bit more pressure on that leg... and as a first time Dachshund owner as well as knowing about his past, I am super protective and don't want him to do anything that may hurt his leg or back for that matter... however Dexter has a very different outlook and doesn't let anything hold him back. So far the sneaky little devil has jumped off my bed (about 3-4 ft high) a few times, each time nearly giving me a heart attack. I have been trying for several days to train him to use his doggy stairs or wait to be picked up but he simply refuses (he is the epitome of a Doxie I guess)... but what do i do??? I am well aware of the dangers of dachshunds jumping, climbing, etc. and of course I don't want to risk an injury, but once he is healed, I won't be watching him every moment of everyday, and I don't want to crate him every time I can't keep my eye on him. I am out of ideas at this point, and need some advice on how to get this daredevil to take it easy!! :)

I wonder if the "S" sound would help. When Reggy jumps or does something he's not suppose to, I do the "S" Sound like Cesar Millan does. It works real well. My sons dog was over during the holidays and tried to ''pee'' on my christmas tree and I was so startled I did the "S" sound and his dog sucked it up so fast and stoped. I was amazed. Maybe making the S sound when they jump would help. I sort of put out my index finger when doing the S sound at Reggy to let him know what he was doing was not acceptable. Reggy is soo calm tho , this rarely happens.
Mine flies off the bed like a flying squirrel and also from the last few steps down the stairs...no matter how fast you are you can hardly ever catch her in time to stop her! Has anyone had any luck with a ramp or stairs up to the bed? Or maybe we will have to put our bed down on the floor but I'd rather her learn to stop.
I've built ramps for every sofa and bed in the house. I've got one for our Fifth Wheel stairs. We live in an old Pier & Beam house that sits about 5 feet off the ground, so I had a special ramp built from near the back door to the backyard.

Our dogs love the ramp to the backyard, and generally prefer the ramps, even when the steps are available.

PD, who has been with us for almost 8 years has adapted, and rarely uses anything but the ramps to the couches or bed.

Frank, on the other hand, is a little dare-devil. He flies off the bed and off the couches. He often starts down the ramp, and then jumps 1/2 way. He jumps from furniture to furniture. If he misses (which he does all too often), he just takes it in stride and acts like he just found a fast way down.

We've been successful with two dachshunds, and still have hope for this third one, although Frank's energy is incredible.
I have a strong feeling that Charlie would do the exact same thing if faced with a ramp... ignore it completely or jump from 1/2 way. :( And she did hurt her leg once jumping off the bed. Makes me so nervous!
I don't have that much of a problem with my lili she is 8 mo ths old and just learned to go down the 3 stair that go from my kkitchen to my living room :) she won't jump off or on the bed she'll cry and cry till sOmeone piks her up! Lol I thinks she's a litle scared!! But I'm fine with it! Lol
I have a 2 year old short haired and a 4 year old long haired and both of them are really big time daredevils. Jumping off beds, couches, riding in car, riding atv, riding jet ski, riding boat, swimming, etc. I think it is funny with the atv, jet ski, and boat but we do watch out for their backs. Anytime they hear one of these start up they take off running towards it. They just love to have fun. Our short haired broke his hip once from being run over and he didnt want to stay cooped up for long. Especially with the pain killers. So we are especially careful with him, though he still loves to have fun. Just be careful and he should be fine.