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Kinda sick puppy - Could use advice


New Member
May 29, 2011
long coat mini dachshund
So Mickey will be 5 months old next week and we are planning to take our first road trip tomorrow morning at 5 am. I came home from work to find that he has the runs (1st time!). There were 3 small puddles of poop on the puppy pad and then he vomited just a little. THEN he ate his dinner and laid in my lap awhile. I had to go to a 2 hour meeting so I left him home alone and on my way home I stopped and bought some canned pumpkin and some pedialite.
He didn't have any more loose stools while I was gone or any vomiting. He is playing and running around. He ate about a tablespoon of pumpkin and drank some of the pedialite. Should I be worried? He completed his puppy shots about 2 weeks ago.
I'm crazy about this dog!!
Glad to say he seems to be fine this morning

We went outside for our 'wake up' routine and poops were solid then he came in and ate a good breakfast. So we're good to go!
Puppies get sick now and then, so long as he's perky still, I wouldn't worry. But a bit of advice for next time. Get some Slippery Elm, it's FANTASTIC for diarrhea. Dont feed him for 24 hours, just give him some Slippery Elm at mealtimes. then give him some food mixed with plain yogurt and slippery elm, or if it's really bad, just the yogurt and slippery elm for the next 24 hours, if all's well, then go back to normal feeding routine. Works like a charm every time.
This is why I love these forums, I learn something new all the time.
Never heard of Slippery Elm I'm goi g to go look it up.
I usually mix some rice in with the kibble to help with runs. If it is a stomach upset from eating something raunchy I usually cut kibble and go rice/chicken for a day or 2 then weak kibble back in after the upset ha passed.
So Mickey will be 5 months old next week and we are planning to take our first road trip tomorrow morning at 5 am. I came home from work to find that he has the runs (1st time!). There were 3 small puddles of poop on the puppy pad and then he vomited just a little. THEN he ate his dinner and laid in my lap awhile. I had to go to a 2 hour meeting so I left him home alone and on my way home I stopped and bought some canned pumpkin and some pedialite.
He didn't have any more loose stools while I was gone or any vomiting. He is playing and running around. He ate about a tablespoon of pumpkin and drank some of the pedialite. Should I be worried? He completed his puppy shots about 2 weeks ago.
I'm crazy about this dog!!

I always do pumpkin mixed with rice for tummy upsets. Sounds like he's all good as new now! :)
I dont feed my dogs rice, or grains of any kind, in any form, so I do yogurt and Slippery Elm. Slippery Elm coats the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract, to help with irritation. Yogurt puts the proper bacteria back into the digestive system, after vomiting or diarrhea. Helps them get back on track quicker. All rice does is make them feel full with a bland, non irritating food. They get nothing from it (especially white rice, which is what most people use) You're better off giving the dogs digestive system a chance to rest after a bout of diarrhea.