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It's a boy!


New Member
Oct 10, 2011
Charlie! - 2-year old, fur-baby
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to give a quick introduction since I am new to the forums.
I'm Sarah, 25 from Canada. I am the proud new mom to my new fur-baby, Charlie - a 9 week old, shorthair, mini doxie :)
He's fitting right in with the family - Ive recently moved back home with my parents, and we also have two labs.
Charlie is great so far!!! We've opted to puppy-pad train him, and despite negative reviews of it, Charlie is hitting his mark EVERY time.
I have a few questions I'd like to ask, but I'm on puppy-duty so I'll have to ask them in the near future.
I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on here and hopefully making some new friends!