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I get my new boy in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!


Alberta Region Moderator
Oct 5, 2010
3 mutts, two deaf/vi mini Dachshund
I have a date! He flies to me on Dec. 6th! He's flying in at 10:45 at night, so I can still work for 4 hours before I have to leave to go get him... I am really excited!!!!!!!!!!! I have shortlisted several names, bought him a leash and collar, and dishes.... now I just need the dog!!!
That is good news, just like christmas come early :)

WHat are you names you have chosen/short listed ?
That is good news, just like christmas come early :)

WHat are you names you have chosen/short listed ?
well, the three I like best are Marvin (the Martian) Boo (Radely from To Kill a Mockingbird) and Walter, tho Trap is still in the running! LOL We'll wait and see
Good for you! A lil early Christmas joy!
He's my Christmas present to myself! LOL