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Hi to all Im a newby


New Member
Sep 29, 2010
George Louis Mickey Lilah Lucy Harley Blade Willow & Skye
Hello fellow daxie lovers :D I have just joined the forum/site today and Im looking forward to hearing from all. We have 5 daxies and 2 German Shepherds and I would love more Daxies!! They are the most facinating breed ever and I love everything about them and mine have such unique little characters. Please feel free to message me and if anyone has any great tips, hints or info it would be so welcome (especially on toilet training cause mine just do it anywhere lol!!:rolleyes:)
lol..I was hoping you were going to give me some tips on toilet training seeing you had 5! My 5 month old seems to be taking an age to get to grips with it. He goes 4-5 days brilliantly and we think we have cracked it, then he seems to have 3-4 days of going anywhere..well mainly in the kitchen not in the lounge anymore!!:(
Im new just started today

Hey, Im new to this. I was wondering if someone could help me out with the basic's. I am the owner of a pie bald dachshand. His name is Snoopy and he's a hoot !! Hope to hear from new friends soon. Thanks !!
I try to put training mats near the back doors to encourage Bella to go to the door area if she needs the loo, then i take her straight out into the garden if im there, have you tried training mats/pads they have a scent in them to encourage puppies to go on them instead of anywhere on the floor, it might help x
I try to put training mats near the back doors to encourage Bella to go to the door area if she needs the loo, then i take her straight out into the garden if im there, have you tried training mats/pads they have a scent in them to encourage puppies to go on them instead of anywhere on the floor, it might help x

Yes I have been using training mats he is probably about 75% sucessful with those and these are placed by the back door. I have stopped using his crate at night (where he was mainly dry) and he now sleeps in the kitchen with the old GSD. We don't have any noise in the morning :) and he has used his mats :) but also somewhere else on the wooden floor...normally under the table :mad:
sometimes Bella uses the rug next to her bed and the training matKaren :rolleyes:little monkey x
sometimes Bella uses the rug next to her bed and the training matKaren :rolleyes:little monkey x

Susan remind me how old Bella is and how long you have had her please
she's just turned 10 weeks last saturday Karen and we've had her 2 weeks x
Our doxies are 1 year old and usally ask to go outside. Molly sits by the door and barks.. Sam whines lol... But if its raining FORGET IT.... I have to go out with them almost carry them out so I end up getting wet too lol. We always keep the pads in a few key locations so they can use them if they cant wait or they know its raining.
Our doxies are 1 year old and usally ask to go outside. Molly sits by the door and barks.. Sam whines lol... But if its raining FORGET IT.... I have to go out with them almost carry them out so I end up getting wet too lol. We always keep the pads in a few key locations so they can use them if they cant wait or they know its raining.

I think the rain is sending Bernie backwards as he hates getting wet :( I would be happy if he was just using the mats 100%. I am used to having big dogs and they have all mastered being dry in the house by 5 months. It is encouraging that Molly sits by the back door and barks. Although Bernies bark is so quiet like a seal with a smokers cough !

Susan 10 weeks :) I wonder if Bella will pick potty training up quicker as we didn't get Bernie until he was 13 wks and he was with his litter mates outside in a kennel ( a very nice heated one I might add) fingers crossed for you x
Susan 10 weeks :) I wonder if Bella will pick potty training up quicker as we didn't get Bernie until he was 13 wks and he was with his litter mates outside in a kennel ( a very nice heated one I might add) fingers crossed for you x

here's hoping...... fingers crossed she has a a few choice places the last few days im not impressed with lol, like the living room rug :rolleyes: little tinker she is but cant be cross with her i love her way to much x
I just came on to this site today. Looking to find more friends and information. I belong to another dachsie site also, but everybody is bailing ship over there.

I am Leslie. My 3 year old smooth red boy is Rusty hat-trick. he is the 3rd dog, and we are hockey fans.
I just came on to this site today. Looking to find more friends and information. I belong to another dachsie site also, but everybody is bailing ship over there.

I am Leslie. My 3 year old smooth red boy is Rusty hat-trick. he is the 3rd dog, and we are hockey fans.

Hi Leslie... Welcome to the site.. We have only been up for appox 2 weeks and there has been alot of great Doxie loves sign up.. Its my goal that this become the #1 Site in the world dedicated to the Dogs we all love....

Welcome Leslie and Rusty.

Dennis I didn't realise the site had only been going for 2 weeks, I thought it was a little quiet compared to the guinea pig one I am on. You have still managed to get a good number of members in that short time :D
Hi Leslie and Welcome

I didnt realise either it wassuch a new site, I thinkits great admin , WELL DONE :D I cant keep away have to keep popping back to see if ive missed anything !!! x
bad boy

lol..I was hoping you were going to give me some tips on toilet training seeing you had 5! My 5 month old seems to be taking an age to get to grips with it. He goes 4-5 days brilliantly and we think we have cracked it, then he seems to have 3-4 days of going anywhere..well mainly in the kitchen not in the lounge anymore!!:(
...ur boy is getting mad at u for some reason and using his potty habits as a punishment to u. he knows u don't like him to potty imn the house, but ur doing something that disrupts his flow. try to figure what the trigger is..hope this helps
...ur boy is getting mad at u for some reason and using his potty habits as a punishment to u. he knows u don't like him to potty imn the house, but ur doing something that disrupts his flow. try to figure what the trigger is..hope this helps

Thanks....at the moment we are having our few good days and he is using his mats when I am not around. Which is great, although he still has a preference to use them even if the back door is open. I am putting that down to the fact he hates the rain outside..but maybe not :rolleyes: I will give this some thought!
Mouse didn't get completely house trained until she was around 9 months old... she got the peeing thing at around 6 mos, but she had no problem doing the pooping thing in the house.... it was crazy, I'd let her in and she'd poop right in front of me.... UGGH and as she's deaf, I couldn't startly her by sound, so one day I was right there and startled her with a tap to her butt, shook my finger at her, gave her the mad face and put her right back outside... she hasn't had an accident since.