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Hi ! I am new !


New Member
Jan 7, 2012
Hi Everyone,
I am new the forum due to my little girls recent spinal surgery.
Her name is Kally. She is a black and tan mini dachshund with the attitude of about 3 large dogs. She is one of the most adorable sausages you have ever seen and is truly the love of my life.

It was a sad day when my dad went to go pick her and she yelped. This was quite unusual as she the type of lap dog that doesn't know how to separate from ones lap. Later that day we noticed her walking with some dragging in her back legs and immediately knew there was a problem. After taking her to an emerg clinic we were given the dreadful news of back surgery for a ruptured disc. After hours of pacing and 6000+ $$ later, Kally is home and safe. We are so happy that we caught her symptoms early and can only hope for the best for our little girl. She is doing well as of today (Day 5 since the surgery) and can walk for short periods of time. We were lucky as she didn't lose bowel control and looks to have a good recovery :)

Hope all will be well!
And that is my little get to know me story!
Hello :) happy to meet you. So glad your sweet girl is recovering well. Our Reggy came with a severe back injury when we rescued him. He had no feeling or control of any part of his lower body . He's fine now 6 yrs later :) doing well, we watch his wieght and activities. No surgery for him I rehabed him, took 3 mths but he made a 98% recovery. Our Vet was speachless. :) He wanted to unthinize him :( I wouldn't let him. Welcome and happy thoughts your way to a full recovery :)
Thank you for your kind words! That is always nice to hear that without surgery these little dogs can be resilient! I pray she will never have to go through this all again! poor gal
Hello and welcome from Sweden. Hope your girl gets well soon! Alf says hello had cross his paws that she´ll be allright soon. Hope to follow her and hear of her recovering...
Thank you for the warm welcomes!
Kally is doing well today.. really wanted to jump up.. HUGE no no..
I'll get a video of her walking tomorrow and show her progress. We have a video before and after surgery walking video. I am kicking myself for not videoing her walking everyday to see the difference, but I will start now.

I have attached some picture below showing my little girl.. :)
The first one is her at the vets 12 hours after surgery.. tired thing
The second is a different angle
The third is her on my lap her first day home with us.
The final picture is her with her cone.. she was trying to munch her stitches!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I'll keep you all in the loop :)


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