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New Member
Jul 13, 2012
Evey, My 20 wk dachie; Copper and Sapphy, Cats; Emmett my Beardie.
Hi everyone!

My name is Krista, I joined because of my sweet little girl Evey; She's 20 weeks old and spoiled doesnt even graze the surface.
Im a hairstylist and makeup artist in North carolina, where i was born and raised.
Just bought our first house and we move in less then two weeks!
Not much more about me.. i enjoy reading, cuddling and sleeping. hahaha
Hello and welcome! :)
Congratulations on the new house (how exciting times for you!!) and on perfect choise for a dog. :)

I live in Finland with 2 year old dachsie, 9 month old german shepherd mix and my bf. We just moved in to our new home in the countryside in december. :)
Welcome! Very exciting!

I have 2 mini's both are deaf :)

Enjoy your baby and house!