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quinceys mom

New Member
Sep 25, 2010
Sir Quency
I am the proud owner of a standard red dapple named Sir Quincey, he is 3 yrs. old & big! My daughter rescued him from a senior center which was sending him to the shelter. Have had this bundle of joy since April this year & don't know alot about this breed other than lots of allergies.
Hi quinceys mom.. Welcome to the Site!!:)
They are sooo adorable and full of love. They are very very orientated on their humans though. they crave our attention. I cannot think of a better best friend then a dachshund! There is a LOT of information out there. I found some on the site for Animal Planet when we got our first rescue, Henry Longfellow. The first time Henry broke out in hives, I was a wreck! But thankfully our vet told us the dosage of children's chewable benedryl for him...and we get along swimmingly now. :)