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Does your Doxie do any cute tricks?


Alberta Region Moderator
Oct 5, 2010
3 mutts, two deaf/vi mini Dachshund
I have taught Mouse a few and am looking for more ideas on what to teach her. We are somewhat limited because of her deafness and vision impairement. the trick has to be taught easily by luring and be able to have a nice big clear sign. Mouse will spin, roll over, get in a box, step up on a box, shake, wave, high five, sit up, wave both feet while sitting up, wave while standing up on a box, crawl, put her paws on my foot, follow a target, and the usual obedience stuff... well except heel, I cant figure out how to teach such a short dog to stay beside me, when all she wants to do is look up at my face... lol

So any other cute tricks out there?
If I could get Bernie to do half of those tricks I would be happy :)
If I could get Bernie to do half of those tricks I would be happy :)

Ha Ha, yeah... I'm a bit of an overachiever with my dogs, but the thing is, with my deaf dogs, i need them to be especially obedient and know lots of cute things as I need to show people that deaf dogs are just as good as hearing dogs, and are equal or better at being trained. Mouse is no where near where Scout, my deaf terrier mix is, in regards to training. Scout knows over 50 signs and could compete in Rally-O if I could find a mutt club here. But as Mouse is so unique looking, people are really drawn to her, so any cute tricks she can do are great!